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Some random crazy deck idea...

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Oppression swarm.

you activate oppression, and start summoning loads of monsters. Your opponent does not want to be overwhelmed, and negates their summons with oppression.

Eventually, their LP drop drastically, rendering them inable to use oppression.

you burn for that last bit of damage, and win the game.


its crazy, its random, and it might just work.

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It only works when the opponent has used at least 1 Solemn.


Also, if you activate something like Scapegoat, it will still just cost 800 to negate them all, so it'll be really hard.


Such a deck will probably put yourself in a huge disatvantage.


Oh, and what was wrong with Oppression Gadgets again?

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Nothing' date=' I just thought it up.

BTW if you have oppression out, Samsara / Treeborn wont come out.

bushi would though.



Yes, but it doesn't support your deck in any ways. Your opponent won't negate it because Bushi will just ss himself again.

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Guest PikaPerson01

The effect isn't mandatory. Your opponent is never obligated to pay the 800 life points, and could just take the SS-ing if they wanted. If you swarm so much, you're better off winning with aggro. If you're swarming with stuff like Bushi, they're not gonna keep -800 LPing themselves unless they're idiots.



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The effect isn't mandatory. Your opponent is never obligated to pay the 800 life points' date=' and could just take the SS-ing if they wanted. If you swarm so much, you're better off winning with aggro. If you're swarming with stuff like Bushi, they're not gonna keep -800 LPing themselves unless they're idiots or bots.





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