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Deity Deck

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This is a little thing I've been trying to make very good for the past few months. Tell me what you guys think, and any suggestions, please.



Vennominaga, The Deity Of Poisonous Snakes

Vennominon, The King Of Poisonous Snakes x3

Gogiga Gagagigo

Giga Gagagigo



Alien Shocktrooper x3

Venom Cobra x3

Balloon Lizard x3

Gale Lizard x3

Interplanetary Invader "A"

Razor Lizard x3



Snake Rain x3

Creature Swap x3

Premature Burial

Monster Reborn

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Mystical Space Typhoon

Card Destruction

Swords Of Revealing Light



Damage=Reptile x3

Rise Of The Snake Deity x3

Offering To The Snake Deity x3

Limit Reverse

The Transmigration Prophecy

Damage Condenser

Torrential Tribute

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I like this deck idea....actually I never saw one like this before. I hope it works pal


Here are some suggestions:

Add Pot of avarice and Brain Control

Try to reduce trap cards

Add Skreech... for the Gigos

It would be a good idea adding "Dark factory of mass production" too.

Well, hope this helps

plz let me know if the deck works, I'm interested on building a deck like this.

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The deck works decent as is. It's easy to bust out the Deity, unless you get a hand that's pure crap. Once you do that and get her to over 3000, people usually surrender... it's really disappointing, yet satisfying at the same time.

The Pot of Avarice would help, but I'm a bit iffy, since it would drop the big Reptiles by 2500 attack to do so... Tried it, and always did that to me and screwed me up.

The trap cards, I purposely overload to bust out Vennominon a TON easier... usually by second or third turn at about 1500, or higher if I have a Snake Rain.


As for Skreech, he's rare.. ;_;

I haven't tried the Factories. I'll add 'em as soon as I get home. Thanks.

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Whoa...I like this. o-O I'm so out-of-touch with this game (only recently gotten back into the swing of things) that I didn't know this Snake Deity existed. I like this deck, it's something somewhat new.


All I can say for suggestions are maybe Symbols Of Duty, but I feel you could get along just fine without it, so whatever you want to do. I echo Sam Litch's statement - I'm interested to see how this deck turns out.

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