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Change of Time and Space

Kouen Nichi

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yeah, the ocg is pretty good, but the part about the "pay 1000 life points" shouldnt be at the end of that sentence where it is, it should either be its own sentence or it should be at the beginning of the next sentence.


and the effect is kinda strange, you make a monster your opponent controls be able to attack you directly?


i might combo that some how....



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Well, actually, Zoloa is correct...the OCG needs some work, but Zoloa was also alittle too critical...I would have given it a 6/10.


Here's a better version of the effect.


This card's effect can only be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase.  At the cost of 1000 Life Points, select 1 Face-Up monster on your opponent's side of the field.  Inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the selected monster's ATK.


Much more direct version of the effect, sense you are not allowed to attack when it's not your turn...lol

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I see OCGs.

"This card can only be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase. Pay 1000 Life Points. Select 1 monster you control. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the selected monster."


This card is interesting, I've never seen anything like that. OCG is what I pointed out, I think that's it. Pic is nice. 6.5/10.

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