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[align=center]Welcome to God Hunter's New Archive


My last one was a fail. All it was was a large collection of my random singles.. -_-


This one, is a GOOD one. :P


Here, is where you can find the suckish one:



First off, are a FEW of my good singles.


Typhu, the Monkey King


Mimmified Insect, Kozzaro


Duc Vic, the Luminous Tyrant




^More can and will be added later^ (need to find old threads)





God Hunter's Post Celebrations:


God Hunter's 3000th Post Celebration



I regret to inform you, that after 2 hours of looking, I could not find the link to my 2000th post celebration. My deepest apologies.




God Hunter's Unfinished sets and such (not to be continued)


Escapes 1/10 threads


Transfusions.. Fail




My Good Sets and such:


My Magic Set.


My Pokemon set (still in progress)


There is probobly WAY more I can show you, but some of the cards are too old to trace, and there are soo many, you can see many of my older cards in my old archive. ^_^


Thanks. :P[/align]

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