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My Yugioh Dragon Deck

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heres my dragon deck rate it from 1-10




3 blue eyes white dragon

2 cinthonian emperor dragon

2 cyber dragon

2 masked dragon

2 decoy dragon

2 luster dragon

2 lord of the D

2 divine dragon ragnorock

1 paladin of white dragon

1 black luster soilder

1 breaker the magical warrior

1 cyber dark horn

1 cyber dark keel

1 cyber dark edge




1 heavy storm

1 burst stream of destruction

1 tribute to the doomed

1 mausoleum of the emperor

1 future fusion

2 flute of summoning dragn

1 lightning vortex

1 defusion

1 polymerization

1 mystical space typhoon

1 black luster ritual

1 white dragon ritual




1 royal decree

1 strike slash

1 magic cylinder

1 sakaretsu armor




1 Blue eyes ultimate dragon

1 five headed dragon

1 dragon master knight

1 cyberdark dragon

1 king dragun

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3/10. Sorry' date=' but I see no theme. Also, make sure to check out the Banned/Limited list that's on UDE. Some of the cards here are banned.



Only one of them cards are banned (Breaker). In every other aspect, you are correct.

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No poly, D mirror +2. I'm not sure what to do about Breaker, but yeah he's banned. Need's Ancient Rules, Summoner's Art (I learned that the hard way). Also, mind exlaining Cyber Dragon? I kow its a "Dragon" deck but, I'm lost. . . .



-2 Decoy Dragon, + 1 Behemoth, +1 Masked Dragon

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ok cyber dragons are used in alot of deck and i can get them on the field quickly im taking out the cinthonian emperors, breaker and a few other cards but i thinka 3 out of 10 for no them is a little harsh for a first time poster my theme is blue eyes obviously i have the dragon master knight, blue eyes ultimate, paladin of white dragon and the 3 blue eyes

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