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how to make a userbar seven easy steps[for gimp]

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Hello my fellow Ycm members, today im going to show you how to make a userbar. But first i would like to thank Ultimate_Ryan for finding this tut and Gimp-tutorials.com for supplying this tutorial. I would also like to thank me for rewording the original tut to make it much more simple

Note:I did not make this tutorial, i am simply posting it on this website so other future and current members will not have to search the web for this ever again....maybe.


First things first

Step one (Creating the base layer) :

Open Gimp and Select File>>New

Change the width to 350 and the height to 19 Leave everything else how it is and click ok.



Step two (Adding a background) ::

Then Choose the two best colors for the render you have choosen and click the Blend and select the Gradient: Fg to Bg (RGB)


Next stretch the line across the blank bar, you can stretch it in any direction for a different blend [for a straight line press Ctrl while stretching]



Step three (Adding scanlines) :

Now we add the scan lines, If you have not already made your scanline pattern you can find that tut here

Now here it gets alittle fast paced so try to keep up

Select the paint bucket>>Pattern Fill>>Scanline Template


Click New layer and fill the new layer with the pattern, and change the opacity to around 50



Step Four (adding that 3d look) :

To add that 3d look its pretty simple, select the ellipse tool [here you add a new layer] and stretch the ellipse over the top half of the userbar only.


From here select the paint bucket tool and fill the new ellipse with white. Now change the opacity of this new layer with your white ellipse to around 30, 35.



Step 5 (adding your render) :

this part can be tricky if your render is to small or two big, If you have not yet found a render then go to Planetrenders.net , now follow carefully

File>>>Open as layer>>>select the render. If the render is to big then after opening it do this Right click the render>>Go to File>>Layer>>Scale Layer. Place your render where you want it on the userbar and your done with this step.



Step 6 (Adding the text) :

For userbars you need a certain text called Visitor TT1 BRK which you can find here after downloading the font [you can find that tut on your own] click the text tool and type what you want on the userbar.


be sure that the text is white and preferred to be size 10. follow carefully here now...

Right click the text layer>>Click Alpha to Selection


Make sure your FG color fill is now black [or if you want a different border around your text you pick..]

Now before you continue add another layer, place it under the text layer>>go to Select>>Grow>>>Pixel size 1.0


Step 7 (Finishing touchs and border) :

For the border is really simple. Edit>>Stroke Selection>>>change the line width to 1.0 px>>click Stroke


Now go to File>>Save as>>make sure to save it as png and your done.


side note: please to all new members and people new to gimp, i am requesting no reps or points for this tut.

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