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3x altos

3x cirrostratus

3x acid cloud

2x mother grizzly

2x ghost fog

2x turbulence

1x smoke ball

1x nimbusman

1x sangan

1x storm dragon

1x emissaryof the sky - zerradias



2x cloudian squall

2x salvage

2x sanctuary in the sky

2x summon cloud

1x fog control

1x heavy storm

1x swords of revealing light

1x lightning vortex



2x spiritual water art - aoi

2x spirit barrier

1x torrential tribute

1x mirror force

1x magic cylinder

1x sakuretsu armor

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It's better than a lot of the Decks that are posted on YCM.


If you're going to use Cloudians, make sure you have 3 Smoke Ball and 3 Turbulence.


I'd also suggest Card of Safe Return.

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It's better than a lot of the Decks that are posted on YCM.


If you're going to use Cloudians, make sure you have 3 Smoke Ball and 3 Turbulence.


I'd also suggest Card of Safe Return.

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It's better than a lot of the Decks that are posted on YCM.


If you're going to use Cloudians, make sure you have 3 Smoke Ball and 3 Turbulence.


I'd also suggest Card of Safe Return.

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It's better than a lot of the Decks that are posted on YCM.


If you're going to use Cloudians' date=' make sure you have 3 Smoke Ball and 3 Turbulence.


I'd also suggest Card of Safe Return.


3 smokes are pretty useless. considering how it needs a counter to special them, if hes the third one out (getting three counters) you only have room 4 to more. If hes the second one out you only get to counters anyway so... thats just my opinion.

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It's better than a lot of the Decks that are posted on YCM.


If you're going to use Cloudians' date=' make sure you have 3 Smoke Ball and 3 Turbulence.


I'd also suggest Card of Safe Return.


3 smokes are pretty useless. considering how it needs a counter to special them, if hes the third one out (getting three counters) you only have room 4 to more. If hes the second one out you only get to counters anyway so... thats just my opinion.

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It's better than a lot of the Decks that are posted on YCM.


If you're going to use Cloudians' date=' make sure you have 3 Smoke Ball and 3 Turbulence.


I'd also suggest Card of Safe Return.


3 smokes are pretty useless. considering how it needs a counter to special them, if hes the third one out (getting three counters) you only have room 4 to more. If hes the second one out you only get to counters anyway so... thats just my opinion.

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