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[SHOP]Boosters, Splices, and more. Low Prices.

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Ok Here is my shop. To be honest, I only have MS paint, but I can make things turn out pretty well.



[spoiler=Booster Info]Cost=5 points


Pic Link or Subject=

Color of text (optional)=



If you don't like the booster I made, I will make you another at no charge!!!








[spoiler=Tin info]2 points


All I need is the picture on the card that you want to be the tin. You can choos from these available colors (optional):

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Gold/Yellow
  • Lime Green






[spoiler=Disclaimer]I suck at these so don't expect something excellentWe now have a new worker here - Psychic Storm


[spoiler=Splice info]Since I suck at these, they are only one point. I f you are not satisfied, they are free.


Preferences to where body parts go (optional)=




OCG (NEW and never seen before)


[spoiler=OCG info]For 2 points I will Give you the correct OCG of a custom card.


I will make the card for you in your name for 1 extra point. Just give me the Link for the pic and the type of the card (Monster, Syncro, trap, Etc.)



[spoiler=Coming Soon]






1.Griffinsusername -(everything but splices)

2. Psychic Storm (splices)


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Ok Here is my shop. To be honest, I only have MS paint, but I can make things turn out pretty well.



[spoiler=Booster Info]Cost=5 points


Pic Link or Subject=

Color of text (optional)=



If you don't like the booster I made, I will make you another at no charge!!!








[spoiler=Tin info]2 points


All I need is the picture on the card that you want to be the tin. You can choos from these available colors (optional):

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Gold/Yellow
  • Lime Green






[spoiler=Disclaimer]I suck at these so don't expect something excellentWe now have a new worker here - Psychic Storm


[spoiler=Splice info]Since I suck at these, they are only one point. I f you are not satisfied, they are free.


Preferences to where body parts go (optional)=




OCG (NEW and never seen before)


[spoiler=OCG info]For 2 points I will Give you the correct OCG of a custom card.


I will make the card for you in your name for 1 extra point. Just give me the Link for the pic and the type of the card (Monster, Syncro, trap, Etc.)



[spoiler=Coming Soon]






1.Griffinsusername -(everything but splices)

2. Psychic Storm (splices)


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Can you make this please


Name=Rise Of The Damned


Text Color=Red Make the font how the ast person did it....someone is making ths presently...make font lower to the bottom of the booster


P.S.the last tme one was made i payed 45 points...and my booster is messed up...please dont disappoint me...if the knight doesn't work try thisuntitled9.jpg

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Sorry Superbull I already have a splicer. All orders should be in in an few minutes



EDIT: Sorry but my computer is down so I am saying this on my Wii. It may be a few days until orders come in so all currently unfinished orders will be free because of this inconvinience. Sorry.




EDIT of EDIT: I cna still do OCG so deswombat will get his order done now and it is still free.

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Sorry for the double but here is wombat's free OCG:


If you have 6 or more cards in your hand, you can Tribute Summon this card with only one tribute. If 4 or more Monster Card Zones on your side of the field are occupied, all Rock-Type monsters on the field gain 500 ATK. If your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card during your Battle Phase, you may tribute one monster on your side of the field to negate the actvation of the Spell or Trap card and destroy it. If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, destroy all monsters on your side of the field.



Very few errors btw


Superbull, I am on my Wii where I cannot mess with images and make boosters. once my computer is fixed, I will make them

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