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Best Star Wars cards, fo sho.


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It's a bit difficult to read what's on the cards because they are in such a horrific resolution, even when re-sized. From what I can tell, the cards are okay, but I notice that you don't have any effect monster cards. Many of the veterans of this forum aren't very big fans of normal monsters, they don't take much creativity. The cards themselves...they're okay, it's a bit difficult for me to judge the OCG and the pictures, but from what I can tell, it's pretty average, a few errors here and there. 7/10, not bad for a first set!

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the darth vader card would probaly be more of a ritual card or something like than, as the 2 or more fusion card needs to summon it are not stated above the effect (which is hard to read). also it would be nice if you went beyond the movies (into games or comics based on the old rebublic and times before are my personal favorite).



My Rating : 6.5/10

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