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<<The Chaotic Card Making Association>>First Contest UP!

Mad Hopz

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The Chaotic Card Making Association


Hey, thanks for taking a look at my thread. Take a look around, see if you like it or not, and then do the right thing. Sure, join or don't join. Doesn't really matter that much, unless you want to be amongst some of the best card makers on the site and have a rank to show for it. If you want to be recognized and well-known, this is the place to be. This is the Chaotic Card Making Association.


This is a place where you can chat, but not spam, and communicate with other club members. Contrary to the name, this will NOT be a chaotic thread. I just chose that name because... it sounded cool. That's beside the point though. This is a place where you will be able to compete and show off your card making skills and talent. This is a place where your card making skills will come in handy as you compete in contests for various prizes, including titles, ranks and challenges.


Now, if you will kindly spare me a moment of your time in order for me to explain several items of importance. It would do you well to read them, but if you wish to be flamed and negative repped for not doing so, by all means, skip over this next part. You have been warned. These are the rules and regulations that will bind this little party of ours together. I say party, not in the sense that it will be messy and chaotic, but rather in the sense of a group gathering, if you understand my meaning. Here they are, and heed them well.


1. Spamming is not accepted

2. Consistent flaming is not accepted, unless a club member has failed to heed the rules

3. Advertising your own club is not accepted

4. All contest decisions and judging are final, there will be NO exceptions

5. If you remain inactive without speaking to a club leader, then you will be kicked out, simple as that, all rank will be lost

6. There shall be no, and I mean none at all, stealing of other people's work. This is very important.

7. If you fail to make a card for a contest, you automatically lose

8. If all members in the contest fail to appear, there shall be no winner


Now that the rules have been explained, if you do not understand, please do not hesitate to ask, allow me to explain how this little group of ours will work. As I mentioned before, we will be competing for titles and ranks. The titles work almost like a professional wrestling group. You fight your way to the top of the ladder, prove yourself to be the best and you'll be a champion. However, you can be challenged and your title can be lost. Titles are ranked. As in, the best card makers will be able to challenge for the best titles and the lower level card makers can challenge for the lower titles.


I guess you could call these little contests matches, if you will. For in these matches you will be fighting and card making for many different things. These items include honor, pride, bragging rights and level points. For each match, you will gain a certain amount of level points, the higher your level points, the better championship you will be able to challenge for. As you win matches, your reputation and level will rise. You need 10 level points in order to advance to the next level and level points will be given depending on the complexity of the prizes.


Now, I will list the championships and the level you need to attain in order to challenge for them.


Air Raid Championship: (Levels 1 +)

Elimination Championship: (Levels 5 +)

Brutal Havoc Championship: (Levels 15 +)

Dual Pandemonium Championships: (All Levels)

Devastation Championship: (Levels 25 +)

Extreme Chaos Championship: (Levels 41 +)


Once you have achieved the right to challenge for a championship, you can still challenge for the titles that are under your current level. For example, if you are level 15, you can challenge for the Brutal Havoc, Elimination and Air Raid Titles.


Matches will be submitted often and contestants are expected to pitch in at all times. Laziness will not be accepted.


Please join!


[align=center]-+- Members -+-



moonwalk 2000

Ultimate Ryan

Immortal Deity Stratos



Death Dealer



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