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Need Help With Using "The Gimp"

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click on it and on the left side it says download, use the guide on how to install em' I'm sorry I cant go in to too much detail because im working off of memory because i got phosotshop and cant download gimp.


To make a simple background: Download brushes;Install;Use the brush; brush all around the screen; Not sure esactly where it is tihnk its in layers but you need to find hue saturation; then make it the color you want; then click okay.


Grungy is my favorte type of brush heres an example: TkillSig.jpg

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I already told you -.-'

The first link shows you where to get burhses the second shows how to install them

Brushes: http://search.deviantart.com/?search=gimp%20brushes%20boost:popular%20age_sigma:24h%20age_scale:5+in:resources/applications/gimpbrushes§ion=browse
How to install: http://www.gimptalk.com/forum/topic/How-To-Install-Brushes-1315-1.html
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