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new card, please rate!!


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I can immediately say that it's overpowered. In a Graveyard Bomb deck (I think that's what it's called) the "cost" would actually be a benefit. Same think with a CED. I would say change the cost to "pay 2000 life points". The effect can ONLY take place when it is sent to the Graveyard and then Special Summoned by an OPPONENT'S card effect. Other wise, you could use Foolish Burial and pay 2000 life points for a Dark Hole. Even with those restrictions, I wouldn't be surprised if it were still a forbidden card because of the 2700 ATK. And if you were to include this card's destruction to "balance out" the effect, then if this effect were to be activated during your opponent's turn (which is most likely), then you would be left wide open to a counter attack.


My suggestion:

Change the name. Kinda "generic" if you ask me. Make the effect activate during your Standby Phase so at least you are not open to a counter-attack while clearing the field.

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