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Pharaoh VS Gods (Part II)


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[Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh!]

Yugi: Grandpa!

Grandpa: Your Gods are missing.

Yugi: Oh No!

Rona: I know you on TV for the many years, and now this is your last day for your Millennium Puzzle Yugi.

Rona: I sacrifice my 3 monsters in order to summon the Egyption God, SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON!

Rona: Hahahahaha!


NOTE: When underlined, I have to make it


Episode 2: Pharaoh VS Gods (Part Two)

Rona: Does Slifer look familiar to you Yugi? (0)

YY: But he has no ATK points so which means your Slifer will be crushed.

Rona: Not till I discard Pot of Reincarnation! This allows me to draw my new 5 cards from my deck and discard 1 to the graveyard. (4000)

Rona: For the first time ever Yugi you will feel the pain of Slifer.

Rona: Now my beast attack his Chimera with your powers of your secound mouth.

*Chimera roars and gets destroyed and Yugi doesn't lose life points*

YY: hmm

YY: I didn't lose any life points.

Rona: WHAT!?

YY: Thanks to the effect of my Kuriboh.

Rona: Your puffball don't stand a chance agenst my deck. Make your move.

YY(Thinking): Come on HOTC(Heart of the Cards) guide me.

YY(Thinking): YES! Change of Heart.

YY: First I activate Pot of Greed which I draw 2 cards from my deck.

YY: Next I activate Change of Heart so Slifer returns to me for 1 turn.

YY: But when I activate Heart of Monster Return this allows me to cancel the effect of Change of Heart so Slifer returns to me for the rest of the game.

Rona: Oh no!

YY: Slifer the Sky Dragon attack his life points directly.

Rona: Not quite activate TC(Trap Card) Guidance Defense! Now my LP are safe.

*Yugi sees Guidance Warrior of Earth*

YY: What is that?

Rona: This is Guidance Warrior of Earth (2100) this TC also allows me to SS it, and pay 500 life points. (R: 5500 YY:8000).

YY: Very well I set two cards face-down and end my turn.

Rona: Hey Yugi, do you remember the card Monster Reborn[/b] Well meet this SC Guidance Reborn this allows me to bring back Guidance Warrior of the Wind from my graveyard.[/u][/b]

Rona: Then I activate Polymerization to fuse my Guidance Earth and Guidance Wind to make....Guidance Bird of Destruction


Rona: Then my bird has a Special Ability, when my Guidance Warriors are in the graveyard my bird gets an extra 1000 points for each one.


Flames: 3800

Wind: 4800

Light: 5800

Darkness: 6800

Sea: 7800

and finally Earth

which has a punishing total of 8800 ATK points.

Your dragon is gone. Now Guidance Bird of Destruction attack his Slifer the Sky Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(R: 5500 YY: 3800)

*Joey arrives*

Joey: Yugi!

YY: Joey!?

Rona: Forget him.

Rona: Make your move.

YY: As you wish. I set a....

Rona: Not so fast when my Guidance Bird of Destruction is in play you cannot set any monsters face-down on the field which means you have to play them face-up.

YY: Very well. I summon Queen's Knight in defense mode. (1800)

YY: Then I activate the SC Cost Down so that means I can automaticly summon my Dark Magician also in defense mode.

YY: That ends my turn.

Rona: Your nonsense are you actually your puzzle will be still yours but your god cards arn't hahahaha!

Rona: I drew the creature of your demise.

Rona: Meet this monster(Guidance Dragon) (0)

Rona: He has a special ability when any fusion monster is in play this monster can copy the number of ATK points that my bird has. (8800).

Joey: 8800 POINTS!

Rona: Now Guidance Dragon attack his Dark Magician.

Rona(Thinking): I will be true king and no one gets away with it.

To Be Continued... NEW!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OLD








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