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Just get in to CMaker and need guidance


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Welcome Jinana,

Firstly, could you tell us what you don't understand, and we'll be happy to help you. I'd be guessing you are using the online version, if this is not the case, just add a reply saying so, but both it and the download work in the same way. The basics are really quite simple; all you need to do is fill in the boxes;


Name: This is obviously where you write the cards title (example: Blue Eyes White Dragon)


Card Type: Click on the dropdown arrow and select if it is going to be a Monster, Spell, or Trap. There are six types of monsters;

Normal Monsters (select 'monster'); Normal Monsters are cards like 'Blue Eyes White Dragon'.

Effect Monsters (select 'monster', but also check the 'effect' box); Effect Monsters are cards like 'Gearfried - the Iron Knight'.

Ritual Monsters (select 'ritual'); Ritual Monsters are cards like 'Black Luster Soldier.

Ritual-Effect Monsters (select 'ritual', but also check the 'effect' box); Ritual-Effect Monsters are cards like 'Relinquished'.

Fusion Monsters (select 'fusion'); Fusion Monsters are cards like 'Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon'.

Fusion-Effect Monsters (select 'fusion', but also check the 'effect' box); Fusion-Effect Monsters are cards like 'XYZ-Dragon Cannon'.

Other card types are Spell and Trap, select either Spell or Trap to make either a Spell or Trap card (Will be further covered below).


Attribute: This section only applies when you are making a monster. Click on the dropdown to select if it is to be a Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind or Earth Monster.

Light Monsters are cards like 'Blue Eyes White Dragon'.

Dark Monsters are cards like 'Dark Magician'.

Fire Monsters are cards like 'Mr. Volcano'.

Water Monsters are cards like 'Toon Aligator'.

Wind Monsters are cards like 'Baby Dragon'.

Earth Monsters are cards like 'Celtic Gaurdian'.


Level: This section only applies when you are making a monster. Click on the dropdown to slect the level; the level is how many stars your monster has under it's name.


Trap/Magic Type: This section only applies when making a Spell or Trap card. Click on the dropdown to select whether your Spell or Trap is a special type of Spell or Trap.

For Spells;






For Traps:



If for some reason you want to mix-and-match, it can be done. Leave it as 'none' to have a normal spell or trap card'.


Picture URL: This is where you insert the Artwork for the card. To find out how this works, read my post here; http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/viewtopic.php?t=609


Set ID: If you want your card to look realistic, this section should be filled out. It's difficult to explain exactly what it is for, but basically, it is to document the card's place in a Deck or Booster Pack list.

An example of this is the 'Blue Eyes White Dragon that come with the old Kaiba Starter-Deck, if you wanted to make this card, you would have to type "SDK" in the first box, and "001" in the second. For you, just make up a group of three letters that mean something to you, for example; "JCD", standing for "Jihana's Cool Deck", of course, you don't have to use that.


Type: This section only applies when you are making a monster. This is where you can insert what the monster is, for example, you are making 'Blue Eyes White Dragon'; 'BEWD' is a Dragon type monsters, so you would write 'Dragon' in that box.


Description: This is where you type in what this cards does, or provide a description for the card itself (only applies to Normal Monsters). For Effect, Fusion and Ritual Monsters, you must type;

Effect Monsters: What this card's effect is.

Fusion Monsters: What other monsters are needed to fuse into this card (and the effect if it is a Fusion-Effect Monster).

Ritual Monsters: The requirements that need to be performed to summon the monster; often refering to the Ritual Spell Card and any tributes (and the effect if it is a Ritual-Effect Monster).

and for Spell and Traps; what the card does.


Circulation: Here you can write if the card is a 'Limited Edition' (or Over-Produced if it is a Jonus :lol: )


ATK / DEF: This section only applies when you are making a monster. Here you type the attack an defence points a monsters has, for example; 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' has 3000 ATK and 2500 DEF. So you would write 3000 in the first box, and 2500 in the second.


Creator: This is where you can put your name (or production company - real or not). For example, Konami uses Kazuki Takahasi. You could simply write your name, or your site username.


Year: Here you can wirte any year, I write the year I made it in, and Konami writes 1996. This will be placed in the bottom right hand corner of the cards, and will end up looking like (example) 2007 Jinana.


Serial Number: Just press the random button :wink:


Well, that's the basics of how to make a new card.

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Thanks a lots..

The only part I didn't get it is...

Where,how I made my own pictures card

with what and can we take it from another site and then put the URl code to insert into the cardmaker..????


Buuooooyyy,......am totally clueless


some part of yer guide I understand how to work with




Nice talkin t'ya :)

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The URL bit is very difficult to explain, you could try using direct URLs from websites, but I find it (in the long run) easier to just find a good picture on the net, then save it and host it using a photo hosting website, a good list of these can be found in the Card Making Tutorial and Resourses topic, in Help and Tutorials.

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Yes, it is difficult to find good pics and being able to post them directly, I just google what I need, save the good ones, crop them and do any photoshopping required, then host them on Imageshack. Long process, but the cards end up looking good to my satisfaction.

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