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Falling Pizza

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OK, here's the rules, ask a smart question, get a smart answer. If you don't do either of those up to par, then you will be banned from this thread upon my judgement. :twisted:

Why do people in the flat earth society reject the obvious scientific ideas of our generation?



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Because change comes hard to many people and as many people of the former generations like to believe that they were one the current genertion and still like to believe that theier generation rules the earth.


Is it ethicly right to ban Special needs people from certain places.

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Well, it depends on what that place is. If the special needs being would only cause minor inconvinience then, no, it would not be ethically correct. An example of this would be a subway, bus, etc.... If the special needs form would interfere a lot, then it would be ethically correct. For instance I think it's fair to ban a special needs creation from playing in the NBA. Of course this could be agrued many ways, since special needs humans deserve just as many rights as normal humans.





Should weapons be banned from the world?


I'll give you a hint: yes





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I would agree but I can not think of one thing that exists that can not be used in a way that would cause pain or death which would qualify it as a weapon.



a computer mouse cord could be used to strangulte someone.

a pillow can be used to suffecate someone.

a cat can be thrown at someone to maul that persons eye out.

The hand can be used to break ones wind pipe.

as these exampes prove just about anything can be used as a deadly weapon thus making it inpossible to ban all weapons.


Why shoulden't children when the parents get divorced choose who they live with?

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Because they aren't necessarily mature enough to make a rational and unbiased decision about who would provide the most nurturing environment for them. For example, a child might see his father in a favorable light because he sees so little of him, but in reality that father might be a chronic alcoholic who makes his kid happy by buying him stuff his mother won't spoil him with. In most cases, the decision needs to be made by someone who is unbiased and mature (a judge).

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