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3 Zaborg-Raizas needed

3 Thestalos

1 Jinzo

3 Cyber dragon

3 Gravekeepers Spy

2 Dekoichi The Battlechanted Lokomotive

2 Mystic Tomato

2 Snipe Hunter

1 Treeborn Frog

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper



3 Brain Control

1 Confiscation


1 Premature Burial

1 Nobleman Of Crossout

1 Pot Of Avarice

1 Heavy Storm

1 Snatch Steal

1 Scapegoat

1 Book Of Moon



1 Mirror Force

1 Ring Of Destruction

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Trap Dustshoot

1 Call of the Haunted



3 Threatening Roar

3 Royal Decree

3 Banisher Of The Radiance

3 Mobius The Frost Monarch

2 System Down

1 Mind Crush


Eat That!!! :P

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... anyone who says Waboku is better than Threatening Roar has obviously not played against a full variety of decks.


Game Scenario:

You play Smashing Ground, wiping Dark Magician of Chaos off the field. Content, you set Gravekeeper's Spy and Waboku, then pass over to the opponent.

Your opponent, after contemplating for a moment, activates Reinforcement of the Army and selects, and subsequently summons, a Mystic Swordsman LV2. It attacks, and you activate Waboku: but since the Swordsman destroys by effect, it does nothing.


Please tell me. Which would you prefer in this situation? Waboku, or Threatening Roar?




You have a face-down Card Trooper, with 1 face-down: Waboku and 2400 Life Points.

Your opponent activates the effect of his own Card Trooper, pumping it to 1900. It's on the field with the previously summoned Hydrogeddon and a face-down. Hydrogeddon attacks, and, afraid of a new Hydrogeddon, Waboku is flipped. Still, YOUR Card Trooper is flipped, and your opponent craftily activates Brain Control in Main Phase 2, tributing off Trooper for Jinzo and denying you the draw.



Ok, now that that's done, the deck. Finally someone who realises that with six Monarchs it should be three Raizas and three Thestalos. Other than that, it looks pretty mainstream. The kind of rock-solid deck you can rely on for consistancy over huge one-turn plays (not that this deck can't, it's just that it's not designed to). I'm really a fan of Legendary Jujitsu Master, but as he's a part of an age gone by, as it were, this seems like a solid monster lineup. If anything's extraneous it's probably the Snipe Hunters, so if you ever needed space that seems the place to start. I KNOW it's continuous removal and high searchability, but sometimes you need the hand, and you won't always have a Frog or errant Spy to discard.

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