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My new deck so far


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Alright lotsa cards long review lets start with the top


The fusion, honestly I would rather have the fusion materials I’d be hard enough to actually get 5 of them (assuming you replace the 6th) that no one would use it, the cannot be destroyed by battle would come into play at one or two chances, one honest or two shrink other then that I'm sure he wont have a problem and his last effect? Its useless, as in it is imposible, unless you target the pawn (which I'm not even sure if you can but lets say you can) all of the “dragon lords” “cannot be special summoned exept” thus you cannot special summon them with the fusions effect as you most likely hoped


Lets see here the dragon loards are a set of the six most general cards I’ve seen, they have no color, no flare. They are all basically the same card, exept the fact that fire gains 200 instead of 100 light gains def and earth (don’t know why earth ) gains 500 atk and def for every dragon everywhere save your hand and deck… and whats with the atk boost any way? All of there atks are 3000 or higher atk with them isn’t going to matter much, in addition I know there are a lot of wind and dark, there are a decent amount of fire and light, but did you know that there are only 5 earth dragons? How about the fact that there are only 2 water dragons? One of those waters can only be special summoned by removing 2 water and 1 fire, and the other is an 1800 that can be special summoned from your hand by discarding a card when your opponent special summons (5 star) the point is they are all to similar to each other and there summoning conditions are not all that great of ideas for wind and dark yes but what about earth or water?


Dragon’s lair…… OH MY GOD COULD YOU HAVE MADE A MORE BROKEN CARD? The fact that it gives 500 ATK and DEF to a specific type alone is a bit much, but cannot be destroyed outside of tributing? Why not say they cannot be effected by spells and traps while your at it? granted decks could make it around this card but even dark armed has more limitations then this. And dark armed is one of those acceptably broken cards. Way way WAY OVERPOWERED I don’t even have to go to the end to state this fact…


The pawn is overpowered a 1900 that specials a 1900 when it hits the field… that special summons a 1900 when it hits the field…. With dragons lair on the field and you practically have game right there. OH and I love how he is an instant summon for THE BEST of the dragon lords… that’s classic. The only way I could see this being ok is if its ATK was under 1000 no make that 700.


The elite water dragons effect is pointless because you cannot special summon a monster that states “cannot be special summoned exept” outside of the except. So he is basically a normal 2700 atk 7 star monster… konami has yet to make a monster with an effect that is not usable because it violates a rule of the game (that I can think of)


OO FUN did you know that if you clear your opponents field summon this then special the pawn with lair on the field you win? Well now you do. This card is overpowered his effect may not be able to make a lord hit the field but he sure can make a blue eyes hit the field or worse. And he’s only a sak, and his ATK isn’t half bad for his effect.


The only thing I can compare dragons call to is ROTA which has a level requirement. So by comparasen this card is overpowered because seriously a card that can search out dark armed dragon? I think I can rest my case on how overpowered this card is…


Drag poly…. Wounderful a fusion spell that is only a minus 1 to ones hand. Oh and the fact that it could be an otk or something hasnet crossed your mind. Perhaps the fact that 5 headed dragon would come with 4 friends for only 2000 life points… though it itself is not easy to use if you get it off its pretty screwed up…


Tough scales… its not overpowered at least but its kinda pointless no one used the other equips that increase DEF who in their right mind would want to use this???


Elite wind OH FUN instant armed dragon… that cannot be destroyed by battle… overpowered.


Luster dragon #3 is underpowered you really should have added an effect because 250 ATK is not enough to justify a nomi monster


Gemstone dragon Hmm I honestly think this is one of the only ballenced cards on this list, its fairly creative because I haven’t seen anthing like it (outside of this list that is) and the only way to make it powerful is to have 4 dragons on the field (at least) I like this one


Despite the gemstone dragon you have a list full of overpowered cards and two underpowered ones. I mean a lot of these would see the banhammer before they even saw print. I would give it a 3/10 and that’s because of the gemstone. A diamond in the rough, that’s right, I went there.

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