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YuGiOh!!! OMEGA SERIES (New episode Post)

Sam Litch

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[align=center]YUGIOH – OMEGA SERIES

Season 1 - The Ark of the Ningrey[/align]



[align=right]Sam 50LP (4 Card in hand)

Nebula 1000LP (4 Cards in Hand)[/align]


Nebula: Soon your soul will be vanished and the Ark of the Ningrey will be complete…..mwhahaha. Draw!!!! I summon “WARRIOR OF ZERA” (ATK 1600). And then I tribute my loyal monster to special summon “MAZERA DEVILLE” (ATK2800). Its effect allows me to discard 3 random cards from your hand as long as my “PANDEMONIUM” (Field Spell) remains active on the field.

Sam: No…my cards!!!

Nebula: MAZERA, attack “ABYSS SOLDIER” (DEF1300). That ends my turn, next will be your last.


[align=right]Sam 50LP (1 Card in hand)

Nebula 1000LP (2 Cards in Hand)[/align]


Sam: (This is truly my last chance) Draw!!!..... (It’s….GIGOBYTE)


This card.....not the best time to bring memories back to me, but it’s impossible not remember how everything begins…more than a fan fic, this is my story…


[spoiler=Characters Guide]


Info will be update after main events and new characters appereance.




Gender: Male

Age: 20

Duel Ranking: ?/?

Favorite card: Gigobyte

Bio: Main character of the Omega series, he always take care of his little brother Hans and his girlfriend Rose, no matter what that means. He didn't know anything about the Duel Monster game.




Gender: ???

Age: 6000

Duel Ranking: 1110/1110

Favorite card: Mazera Deville

Bio: ???





Age: 13

Duel Ranking: 1/1

Favorite card: Dark Ruler Ha Des

Bio: He's the little brother of Sam. He plays Duel Monsters from a long time ago and he loves the game a lot. He has cold attitude sometimes.




Gender: Female

Age: 19

Duel Ranking: ?/?

Favorite card: ???

Bio: She's really humble about her dueling skills. She's a sweet girl and loves Sam so much.




Gender: Male

Age: 24

Duel Ranking: 3/3

Favorite card: Needle Worm

Bio: A experimented duelist. His strategies relies on make his opponet's deck runs out of cards. He uses some powerful insect type monsters to accomplish his goals. He's some kind of bully, despises his opponents and usually challenge the weak ones for a sure and flawless victory.




Gender: Male

Age: ???

Duel Ranking: 3/3

Favorite card: Regulation of the Tribe

Bio: An unknown duelist. He participates in the Valhad Town tournament, his methods and duel strategies are really freak.




[spoiler=EPISODE # 1 - Another day, another way-]

EPISODE # 1 - Another day, another way-


I remember that Sunday morning, walking all the way from home to the card store, a couple of blocks south from our house, dad asked me to look for my little bro Hans.


Sam: Hey little bro, can you just make haste; I’m already late to meet Rose in front of the theater, dad is really upset, you didn’t do your homework as usual I guess….Are you listening???


I’ve got closer to my little brother, who was playing duel monsters with his friend Letto, the duel was getting pretty exciting and Hans was one step closer to victory. But I took the cards from the table, messing everything up and ruining the whole game…of course it wasn’t my intention at all.


Sam: What are these? ...A BAKI???....and this…PREMATU..RE… BURIAL??

Hans: Those are my duel monster cards….and you already ruined my game….geez.

Sam: Duel monster what? A card game, aren’t you grown enough to play this kind of stuff, aren’t you?

Hans: Stop making fun on me…I really like this.

Letto: Victory is mine; I’m still the master of duels!!!

Hans: What? No way, it’s not fair….darn, he already left.

Sam: I’m sorry bro; I didn’t mean to make you lose your game.

Hans: Don’t worry…anyway I was just practicing for the regional tournament, I’m gonna beat Letto again.

Sam: …You sure got the spirit. Hey what’s that on the floor?

Hans: It’s a card. That jerk must drop it when he left.

Sam: Well…we better hurry to get him.


I took the card. We both followed Letto to the train station but he already took a trip back home.


Hans: He’s already gone away; he must be on his way back home by now.

Sam: I guess you’re right. You should give his card back later then


I still remember that I picked up the card from my pocket and read it.


Sam: This card….SKRE…ECH, sounds like a funny character of some TV show to me.

Hans: Can you just read the card names normally from now on? By the way what were you saying lately about Rose?

Sam: [:shock:] ...Rose!!! Holy s#@t!!! I completely forgot.


I just took Hans arm and run like crazy back to the theater outsides.


Sam: Oh no!!! Rose is gone; she’s going to kill me for sure.

Hans: Why you just don’t call her? Maybe she’s still nearby, you know.

Sam: Yeah. That’s a great idea.


(phone call)

Rose: Hello?

Sam: Rose, it’s me Sam….I just get to the theater, where are you?



She really spoke for hours, telling me how bad guy I was…..to be honest she was right, luckily I had a chance to explain what happened, in the end she forgave me …. I miss her a lot, even when she went mad like that day.



[spoiler=EPISODE # 2 - A Brave New Duelist-]

EPISODE # 2 - Brave New Duelist-


Few days later...it was a rainy day. Hans came back from school…totally soaked. I saw him really sad.


Sam: Hey bro, what’s up? You look bad, everything’s ok?

Hans: ---


He didn’t speak a word for hours….as usually I just left him alone, thought he needed some time to react or maybe it was one of those affairs that excludes big brother’s concern. Rose came that day to my house, she forgot her umbrella …and well, she was totally soaked too.


Sam: Rose, please come in. I’ll take your jacket and put it on the dryer machine.

Rose: Thanks sweetheart. It’s really cold outside you know.

Sam: Make yourself at home. Here…take this sweater, it will warm you up. I’ll bring some hot cocoa. Hold on a sec.


I went to the kitchen, it didn’t took me a lot of time…I gotta say I’m just a disaster when it comes about cooking, but that they everything went just right. In the meantime Rose found something in the pocket of the sweater I gave to her.


Sam: Here it is. Take it, I put some mashmellows on it.

Rose: Thanks, you know I love'em. Hey dear I found this on your pocket.

Sam: Oh…it’s a card; it’s named SKREECH, funny isn’t it? It belongs to Letto. It’s a Muel Donster card.

Hans: It is …Duel Monster Card!!!

Sam: :o

Rose: Oh…hi there Hans. How’s it going?

Hans: I guess I’m fine now.

Rose: How come? You sound sad.


Hans seemed to be better than before. I guess Rose had something special, something that makes people feel confident and they simply trust her no matter how.


Hans: Nah…it’s nothing that bad, you know.

Sam: Hey, you know you can always count on us.

Rose: Yeah, we’re here to help, just tell us what happened.

Hans: Well…if that helps both of you to keep quiet. After school I went to the card shop….to register for the regional tournament, but they banned me since I’m too young for participating. You know, contestants must travel to Valhad town for the tournament…and the card shop will not be responsible for kids.

Rose: I see……but that’s not a problem at all….My sister will go that tournament.

Hans: Juls??? But she’s younger than me…how can that be possible?

Rose: She will go under my supervision. As you see, you only need somebody older than you for supervision….and I think who can help you with that.


When I saw Rose staring back at me….I didn’t know where to hide, I just imagine me surrounded by some noisy and irritating brats screaming all around…not the perfect plan for a weekend. But before I say anything Hans replied more surprised than me.


Hans: You don’t mean Sam, do you?

Sam: Yeah…I don’t think I can help that much.

Hans: Besides he will end up playing Muel Donsters?

Rose and Hans: LOL

Sam: Hey, don’t pick on me guys.

Rose: Well Hans is right. Supervisors must be duelist too.

Hans and Sam: That means you are…

Rose: Yes… I’m a duelist too.


After being together for a long time, I never knew my girlfriend was a duelist. I didn’t know what to say at that moment. Hans looks more motivated than me. Anyway I accept to be Hans’s supervisor for the tournament…after all there’s nothing I should do for my little brother and for Rose as well.



[spoiler=EPISODE # 3 - How to build a Deck (part 1)-]

EPISODE # 3 - How to build a Deck (part 1)-


During the next days I really gave all my time and patience trying to learn how to play Duel Monsters. Rose taught me the basics. But there was one affair I need to accomplish……how to build my own deck.


Rose: C’mon Sam…hurry up and quit your complaining

Sam: But…but…..darn.

Rose: Said, no complaining.

Sam: Ok, ok….maybe you’re right. This guy from the card shop you mentioned can illustrate more about how I’m gonna build my deck.

Rose: He knows a lot about Duel Monsters…he owns the card shop. He’s a wise man.


Yeah right... and a lot of people said the card shop’s owner was a completely freaking nuts old man. It was a matter of time to find out what about this guy, since we already were walking right straight to the shop.


Sam: Well….nobody in here. I guess we should go and…

Old man: HELLOOOOOO KIDS!!!!!!!!

Rose and Sam: :?


Rose: You scared us to death, why you were hiding behind the counter desk?


Sam: You don’t have to yell like a jerk, we’re not deaf, you know.

Alexander: Sorry, I was overwhelmed.


After his supreme entry he didn’t scream like hell anymore, but he kept talking trash for a while.


Sam: So what can you tell us about building a deck?

Alexander: Before I get started, I want to familiarize all you new duelists with a few terms used when discussing Duel Monster. Also, I introduce cards on an as-they-come basis. If you don’t listen to this whole thing, then I’m assuming you know your stuff so you don’t need to be introduced to individual cards anyway. If you’re new young pals, I do suggest getting a comfortable sit, as it will help familiarize you with the game’s key cards and what to expect from other decks…..

Rose and Sam: ….ZZZ (snore)


To be honest I didn’t pay any attention to the long tutorial….so I don’t think Alexander helped a lot as it was expected. Luckily Hans and Letto came to the shop and woke us up.


Letto: Hi everyone

Hans: Hey Rose, hey bro, how’s it going?

Alexander: They’re my new pupils and…

Sam: We’re getting bored to death

Alexander: :o

Rose: Sorry Sir Alexander, he didn’t mean anything personal.

Sam: By the way Letto, you drop this card the other day…

Letto: …A card? …yeah, I dropped it.

Hans: Listen Letto…let’s duel, if I win you’ll give that card to my bro, and if I lose I’ll buy 3 new booster packs, what d’ya say?

Letto: Sure. You bet Hans!!!

Hans and Letto: Let’s duel!!!


[align=right]Hans: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)

Letto: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Hans: I’ll go first. Draw... Cool, I’ll summon “SKULL KNIGHT #2” (ATK1000). And two face down. Turn’s done.


[align=right]Hans: 4000LP (3 cards in hand)

Letto: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Letto: Alrighty…here I go. Draw!...What a bad hand…..I’ll activate “CARD TRADER” (Continuous Spell), during my next Standby Phase, I’ll shuffle one card from my hand into the deck, then I’ll draw one card. But for now…I’ll summon “MAD DOG OF DARKNESS” (ATK1900). This should do the work….attack!!!

Hans: Not so fast pal. I activate “BOOK OF MOON” (Quick play Spell) on your pet.

Letto: Darn. I‘ll set a face down and end my turn.


[align=right]Hans: 4000LP (3 cards in hand)

Letto: 4000LP (3 cards in hand)[/align]


Hans: Draw. I tribute my Skull Knight #2 on the field to summon “LESSER FIEND” (ATK 2100)….and that means I can special summon another Skull Knight from my deck. Lesser Fiend, destroy Mad Dog!!!!....and now Skull Knight attack Letto’s Life Points directly.

Letto: …Ouch!!!

Hans: One face down and that should do it for me.


[align=right]Hans: 4000LP (2 cards in hand)

Letto: 3000LP (3 cards in hand)[/align]


Letto: Just a lucky move. Ok, I draw. First I activate my Card trader effect. Great!!! I discard “MARIONETTE MITE” (ATK 1000) from my hand to the Graveyard, and then I can take control of 1 face-up Fiend or Zombie-Type monster you control until the end of this turn. Hehehe….Lesser Fiend come to me now. I also summon “SAGE OF SILENCE” (ATK1400). Pay back time.


It seemed Hans was in big trouble, one of his powerful monsters was used against his own master….I wondered how he will deal with that.



[spoiler=EPISODE # 4 - How to build a Deck (part 2)-]

EPISODE # 4 - How to build a Deck (part 2)-


[align=right]Hans: 4000LP (2 cards in hand)

Letto: 3000LP (3 cards in hand)[/align]


Letto: Sage of Silence, go on and destroy Skull Knight #2. And now Lesser Fiend hit you own master…

Hans: I won’t let you do that. “FIRES OF DOOMSDAY” (Quick Play Spell) protect my Life Points.

Letto: No way!!!

Hans: Yes. Fires of Doomsday allows me to special summon 2 tokens on Defense Position….one gone, one’s left.

Letto: I’m done now.

Hans: And now Lesser Fiend, back where you belong


[align=right]Hans: 3600LP (2 cards in hand)

Letto: 3000LP (2 cards in hand)[/align]


Hans: Alright, it's my turn. Draw!!! This goes for your card behind. I activate “MYSTICAL SPACE TYPHOON” (Quick Play Spell), you know how it works right?

Letto: Yeah but I don't think it works at all.

Rose: Oh…no!!! Sage of Silence effect

Letto: That’s right; you can’t activate any spell during this turn.

Hans: ...damn it. Anyway I’m not beaten. I tribute my doomsday token to summon another Lesser Fiend.

Letto: Say what???? Can that token be use for tribute??? No way!!!

Hans: Yes and now my two creatures will smash you pal. Lesser fiends attack!!!

Letto: Hold on a sec. Here’s my trap card “SHADOW SPELL” (Continuous Trap). One of your fiends won’t move for a while.

Hans: This duel is mine Letto. A face down card and that’s it.


[align=right]Hans: 3600LP (0 cards in hand)

Letto: 900LP (2 cards in hand)[/align]


Letto: I’m gonna recover, you don’t have any card in your hand now. I’ll draw a card and…

Hans: No chance in hell….You already lost.

Letto: What was that again???

Hans: “RING OF DESTRUCTION” (Normal Trap)!!!! Bye Lesser Fiend and bye Letto’s Life Points..

Letto: Noooooooo!!!


[align=right]Hans: 1500LP (0 cards in hand)

Letto: 0LP (3 cards in hand)[/align]



Sam: (Not again…what’s wrong with this guy).

Rose: That was awesome.

Sam: Great duel guys

Hans and Letto: Thanks

Letto: You were lucky this time Hans

Hans: Yeah right….say Letto, that card now belongs to Sam, right?

Letto: Yeah….after all it wasn’t my card anyway

Rose, Sam and Hans: :?


Late at night I went to Rose’s house…I just needed to see her. She looked pretty confident about the duel stuff. After we talked about lot of things, she suddenly took something from a chest.


Rose: I know it could be kinda hard manage this entire duel thing. Maybe you don’t even like it but you’re doing all this for Hans.

Sam: It’s not that bad, you know. I’ve really enjoyed these days I spent learning the game.

Rose: I really wanna thank you. I’ll give you this, it was my first Duel Monster card and it really means a lot to me.


….that card was GIGOBYTE


Rose: Please, promise me you always will include this card in your deck.

Sam: …Ok, I promise…..you know something... I’m not only doing this for my little bro.

Rose: Thanks. I love you.


After Hans and Letto match and Rose’s gift, I realized Duel Monsters was more than a simple game…..it was about passion, strategy, heart and spirit…..that was the real lesson I needed to learn…Gigobyte and Skreech… I was ready to build my deck.



[spoiler=EPISODE # 5 - A bitter duel (Part 1)-]

EPISODE # 5 - A bitter duel (Part 1)-


The tournament day arrived. A long journey waited for us. We all met at the docks early in the morning.


Sam: Well, we’re here. This must be fun, don’t you think?.

Hans: This is pretty exciting; the tournament will be so fantastic.

Sam: Yeah, for sure. Look here comes Rose and little Juls.

Juls: .I’m not that little, don’t treat me like a brat anymore, I’m 9 years old now.

Sam: Yeah right. Ok then, Miss Juls, ready for tournament?

Juls: Yup :P

Sam and Hans: :?

Rose: Everyone, here’s the tickets…it’s time to get on board.

Sam, Hans and Juls: Hell yeah!!!


The trip was too long….I’ve went to the Cafeteria, my stomach roared like LEOGUN. I saw some kids exchanging cards nearby. I got close to check it out. Everything was fine but suddenly an enormous guy rush into the place.


Fat guy: Mwhahaha….if all duelist are like all of you bunch of brats, I’ll be the champ in no time!!!

Kid: …sniff...please give my cards back, I need’em for the tourney…

Fat guy: Hahaha!!! Sorry poor lad, you don’t even deserve to be in the tournament….these cards belongs to me now, the mighty Razor Rodriguez, the next champion!!!

Sam: What the hell do you think you’re doing? I won’t let you take those cards. Give’em back now.

Razor Rodriguez: What??? How you dare??? None of your business…outta of my way!!!

Sam: It’s that so…then, I challenge you.

Razor Rodriguez: You??? …One more practice after the tourney…ok then…but if you lose I’m gonna get a card from your deck….prepare to lose…


I know it was a stupid decision….but I couldn’t just fold my arms and do nothing…it was time for my real first duel


[align=right]Sam: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Razor: I’ll start this, draw one card…..Mmm….prepare yourself jerk. I set a face down monster and four other cards face down too….go ahead.


[align=right]Sam: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 4000LP (1 cards in hand)[/align]


Sam: Ok then. Draw!!! This is it. I summon GAGAGIGO (ATK 1850). Go on pal and destroy his monster.

Razor: …Excellent that was what I expected. You hit my MORPHING JAR (DEF 600) and activate its flip effect. Now both of us will discard the cards in our hands and then draw five cards.

Sam: Darn…all my cards are gone. I’ll put a face down and that’s it for now


[align=right]Sam: 4000LP (4 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Razor: Hahaha. Draw!!! I hope you don’t put your faith on your hand…’cause here’s CARD DESTRUCTION (Normal Spell), now let’s discard our entire hands and draw the same number of cards.

Sam: Not again…

Razor: And now I’ll summon GOKIPON (ATK 800)…

Sam: How rude…

Razor: Shut up!!! You will regret it. Gokipon attack Gagagigo, kamikaze action…

Sam: What the…your little monster was obliterated.

Razor: I lose some Life Points but it will be worth, because now Gokipon’s effect is activated. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, I add 1 Insect-Type monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from my deck to my



Sam: I see…

Razor: And my turn is done.


[align=right]Sam: 4000LP (4 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Sam: First I draw. You have no monsters on the field… Gagagigo, strikes directly.

Razor: I don’t think so…I activate my trap card GRAVITY BIND (Continuous trap)


…Now your monster won’t attack anymore.

Sam: That’s what you think …TWISTER (Quick play Spell). I pay 500 Life Points to destroy your gravity bind.

Razor: That was a close one fool, but Razor Rodriguez always counts on his ace cards. I play MAGIC JAMMER (Counter Trap) …discard one of my cards and negate the activation of twister. As I said before your monsters won’t attack anymore.

Sam: Damn it!!! …I guess it’s all I can do for now. (What should I do now? I can’t attack)


[align=right]Sam: 3500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (4 cards in hand)[/align]


Razor: My turn…draw!!! I’m just gonna set a face down monster. And end my turn


[align=right]Sam: 3500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (4 cards in hand)[/align]


Sam: …gotta get rid of that trap….Ok here I go, draw a card…all I can do for now


is summon this monster, GRANADORA (ATK 1900) and by its special effect I gain 1000 to my


Life Points. Turn’s done.


[align=right]Sam: 4500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (4 cards in hand)[/align]


Razor: Then I draw. First I flip summon my monster, I’ll introduce you NEEDLE


WORM (ATK 750)…this little creature allows me to discard 5 cards from the top of your


deck right to your graveyard

Sam: This cannot be….

Razor: …Hold on fool…Here come my move, I summon TSUKUYOMI (ATK 1100)...and its


effect will flip Needle Worm into face down position again.

Sam: No....You want my deck to run out…

Razor: …That’s right but I guess it’s too late now. Mwhahaha. End of my turn and


Tsukuyomi will return back to my hand, it will be safe in here.

Sam: How am I supposed to stop that bug?





[spoiler=EPISODE # 6 - A bitter duel (Part 2)-]

EPISODE # 6 - A bitter duel (Part 2)-


[align=right]Sam: 4500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Sam: Draw!!! (…Damn. Another monster card): I’ll set a monster card in face down defense position and that’s it.


[align=right]Sam: 4500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Razor: It’s a matter of time until your deck completely run out. First I draw a card and now, I flip my Needle Worm again….you know what’s next right?

Sam: Yeah…more cards from my deck to the graveyard.

Razor: And now Tsukuyomi will do the rest. Flip Needle Worm into face down defense position again and return back to my hand. You fall into my lock, fool. My turn’s over.


[align=right]Sam: 4500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (6 cards in hand)[/align]


Sam: Ok then, I’ll draw. This will help. I can’t destroy your gravity bind but I’m gonna vanquished your worm for good.

Razor: What???

Sam: I activate my spell card SHARE THE PAIN (Normal Spell), and I offer my Granadora as a tribute, now you must select one monster on your side of the field and offer it as a tribute too, that means it’s time for your worm to pay a visit to the graveyard.

Razor: Nice try. But I activate SOUL REVERSAL (Quick Play Spell), I can return my Needle Worm back to the top of my deck.

Sam: Say what???? Damn it!!! I end my turn now.


[align=right]Sam: 4500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (6 cards in hand)[/align]


Razor: I draw and set my worm in face down defense position but I also activate


my trap ULTIMATE OFFERING (Continuous Trap) that allows me normal set another monster in this turn, at the cost of 500 Life Points. I’ll set another face down card and that’s it, your turn.


[align=right]Sam: 4500LP (5 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2450LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Sam: I draw a card…and that’s all I can do.


[align=right]Sam: 4500LP (6 cards in hand)

Razor Rodriguez: 2950LP (5 cards in hand)[/align]


Razor: That’s a shame because I’m gonna draw and flip my face down cards….2 Needle Worms, you fool!!!…that’s 10 cards less for your deck…and it seems it ran out already. I end my turn and win the duel. Mwhahaha…..


There’s nothing left to do….Razor controlled the whole match, he locked me into that deck-out strategy. I just fell down on my knees while he took my SINISTER SERPENT. It was a bitter experience…but I realize there were different ways to win a duel, which made Duel Monster more interesting.


I never spoke with Rose and Hans about my duel with that bastard Razor. I just acted normal but I promise myself to get back my card where it belongs …and so our ship arrived to Valhad Town.



EPISODE # 7 - Welcome to Valhad town, the tournament begins-


A lot of people came to participate in the Duel Monster Tournament in Valhad Town. Not only the noisy brats that I imagined. I gotta admit everything was pretty exciting, makes me forget my bitter defeat against Razor.


Hans: Finally we made it, this is gonna be awesome

Juls: I wanna duel

Rose: Hold on, you must wait until the organizers inaugurate the tournament

Hans: Let’s go to the main arena, everybody is going that direction.

Juls: Alrighty

Rose: Are you ok, Sam?

Sam: Yeah…I’m fine

Rose: I don’t think so, I know you pretty well.

Sam: Nah…it’s just the long trip; I’m kinda tired, you know.


Sam: Well, let’s hurry to the main arena.

Rose: :shock:


Tournament’s announcer: Attention….attention please. All duelists please come forth to the main arena.

Hans: That’s our cue.

Tournament’s announcer: Welcome to the regional tournament. Here the best duelist will compete for the glory and the big price including a new ultra rare card of your election.

Rose: Sweet!!!

Tournament’s announcer: There will be a first round, each contestant will duel three matches with different opponents randomly selected. Those who win all three matches will qualify to the finals. In addition losers will give to the winner any card he or she desires from their deck. It’s time to duel!!!


The first duels were announced; we all had to split up to play our respective matches in the different arenas. We all wished good luck each other.

On my way to duel arena 4, I saw a strange guy. He was in duel against a little girl…I’m now sure I had to pay more attention to his duel and purposes.


[align=right]Strange guy: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)

Little girl: 300LP (2 cards in hand)[/align]


Little girl: I…draw...and set a face down monster…and end my turn

Sam: (She’s totally panic, what’s wrong with her?)


[align=right]Strange guy: 4000LP (5 cards in hand)

Little girl: 300LP (2 cards in hand)[/align]


Strange guy: D…r…a….w. Acti..vate….END…OF..THE…W..ORLD(Ritual Spell) to..ritu..al….summon….DE..MISE, KIN…G… OF ARMA…GEDDON (ATK 2400). Dest…troy…every…thing and…attack.

Little girl: Nooooooooooo…Help meeeeee.

Strange guy: Yo..ur…..soul….it belongs…..to the….Ark…now.


[align=right]Strange guy: 2000LP (3 cards in hand)

Little girl: 0LP (2 cards in hand)[/align]


Tournament announcer: And the winner is Number 8!!!

Kid: The girl…she faints….somebody helps her out please.

Tournament announcer: Please take her to the infirmary!!!

Sam: What happened? She just fell down unconscious.

Kid: It was that number 8 guy…he did something to her.

Sam: Who’s that?

Nerd looking guy: Nobody had seen him before… He obliterated his opponents quickly… Give me the creeps.

Sam: Sure it is a weird guy. Hope that little girl is ok.

Nerd looking guy: Eeeeh…by the way…are you Sam, aren’t you?

Sam: Yeah, why’s that?

Nerd looking guy: Because we have to duel each other in arena 4

Sam: :shock:

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Charlie Morae's Official Rating


First Impression: A lack of description made me think worse of this fanfic from the start. Just because your characters are described in a form doesn't automatically mean we can remember what they look like.


Spelling and Grammar

No real spelling errors, but the grammar could be better. Some missed punctuations, and tempus changing.



The lack of descriptions follow the entire fanfic, which lowers the rating somewhat.


One-Word Summary: Fun.


Personal Opinion: Still, I liked the fanfic. I don't know exactly what it was, but it was something there that triggered my like-sensors.


Rating:6/10. Good, but could have been SO much better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I liked this fan fic, but I have to agree with Honest that the lack of character description dulled it up a bit. I really enjoyed reading this anyway, and thank you for writing a fan fic that isn't a waste of time :)


RATE: 8/10


My suggestions: A bit more character description and emotion in the text will change this fanfic from good to great !!

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