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How many times?

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I know I've been asking a lot about sneaks, but hey... If cyberdude can post three topics asking the exact same thing [verbatum] then I can do this...


For those of you that collect the whole set, how many times do you do the sneak?


1 time = 20 dollars = 5-6 [depending on whether you do it or not] packs.

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I usually get junky pulls, an ult of a rare and a super or two at best. But smart trading > buying alot of packs. With the trades atleast your garunteed to get what you want. Commons in a set are easy, then comes the rares, which if you have enough friends is simple too. Supers are tricker, as are ultras but there lies the delay trade tactic. For example im sure the venom king guy and rainbow dragon are going to be OMGWTF coveted when they come out because young children flip out over cover tops and insta wins. But after a week prices crash, and you can find them on ebay(not ranbow dragon holo rare) for 5-10 even in ult foils. I am reffering to doomfire, pegasus, rare value, and captain goldd which range from 3-10 on ebay.

As long as you dont kill your trading pool getting the minor stuff collecting a single new set is easy. Im going to attempt what a kid Jeremy did at the last pre release and collect the set in four hours. Doubtful that I can do it, but with 4(possibly 5) friends buying packs(one may buy two sets), and having a fair array of cards to trade it's fairly simple.

Im just rambling in my sleepy state so basically advice is:

1. Go with a friend or two, unless they want the set chances are you can work something out, and that they wont care for the commons.

2. Scout around at pre release, ask for rares/supers and work your way up. If you go around saying rainbow dragon your gonna have no luck, just like everyone whoring around for the ultras of fotb.

3. Unless you pull or have an opurtune way of getting an ultra dont bother, they literally end up one fourth their initial price, and trading "fairly" for one on release day leaves your trading pool emptied.

4. Get the sixth pack :)

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Chaos, you were right, Ultimate holographic rare exists, (to make HR any rarer) and it is trippy stuff. And if I get good pulls like I expect to, I may be collecting the set. :P


Buy 1 set. If your feeling lucky, buy two if you want. ALWAYS get the extra pack, I pulled an ULT rare value in my last one.

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