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my first card


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slightly overpowered

lower aang's ATK to 1000

make katara's effect read that it restores your LP (it only says restore)

lower sokka's ATK, cuz it's effect makes it 1900 once or 1700 twice (especially considering if you played the fullmoon card as is +400)

toph's fine, zuko's fine, yue's fine

fullmoon's ok, maybe drop the addition to 200/300

either drop appa's ATK, or make him Level 8 and require two sacrifices not one

bison whistle is too powerful, that's an instant summon of an 2750 ATK monster

make it require Aang on the field, and remove the ability to summon from the graveyard (since i don't think the dead can hear a whistle)

aang's avatar state, lower it's ATK to 3000

remove the effect of destroying all cards on your opponents field or change it to destroy up to 2/3


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