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Yugioh! Biological Edition


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I am making an edition of Yugioh! cards based on modern and futuristic biology. The cards in Yugioh! Biological Edition involve DNA, genes, cloning, regeneration, animals, mutation, evolution, disease, and overall involves manupulation of nature.


There are a number of themes to the Yugioh! Biological Edition.




Cards like Stem Cell Extraction and Rapid Regeneration use genetics to heal you. They sometimes demand a payment of your resources to provide the desired effect.





The next catagory involves the use of genetics to create biological weapons. Bio-weapon cards are powerful, but always come with a cost and are often risky to use.




A biological deck uses enviromental knowledge and science to enhance the performance of allied creatures or degrade performance of opponent creatures.


I will post more Bioedition cards soon. In the meantime.... I like to hear what you have to say.

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