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Norse Mythology


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first reduce the addition of Jotunheimr to around 300

second make aspillian a five/six star so it requires a sacrifice

third either reduce Thiassi's ATK or remove the ability to attack directly

fourth drop hrungnir's ATK, cuz with Jotunheimr that's a 4200 ATK monster that can't destroyed in battle

fifth, make thrudgelmir at least a five/six star monster

the other ones should be okay


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good cards 8/10 but its trhue a little overpowered and a little underpowered or some sort' date='make them at least 1000 defence and it would be great


they are supposed to be a little overpowered and a little underpowered becuse they are Frost Giants, that is how they are built according to mythology.

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I guess I did go a little overboard with the frost giants, but I have another set of non-overpowered cards.

tyrgodofjusticekr4.pngsleipnirtheeightleggedshz4.png it says: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "Odin-King Of The Gods" as an Equip Card, OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. Increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 150 points. The equipped monster is unaffected by your opponents spell, traps and monster effects(1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy this card instead.)

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Nice card. Heavy cost so it's realistic, and balanced.




Quite powerful, but still yet situational. So again it realiastic enough



Odin - King of the Gods~

This card is powerful, almost to the point of brokeness. This card cannot survive if Asgard is on the field, so Asgard is the weak link in the set. So take out Asgard, and bye bye Monsters.

Sounds easy enough.

The 2nd effect is what makes it broken though. Send a card that actually would help your opponent to the graveyard, and destroy all spell and traps?

Well I give it a 7/10


lets continue on....


Thor~ God of Thunder~

Another powerful monster but reliant on a Spell Card.



Mjolnir - The Mighty hammer~

Usually Equip Cards that can only be equipped to one monster is not very good, but this 1 maybe be okay, only because there is a high chance that Thor can stay on the field long enough for this card to be drawn.

Once equipped then Thor is pretty much unstoppable.



Well I draw the line at Loki~

This guy is just completely broken. How about Call of the Haunted, and Special Summon him later or Rope of Life to bring him back later, and keep the cycle going. Just so many powerful Traps.




Starightforward. Realistic.



Frost Giant Geirrod~

Same as above.



Frost Giant Aspillian~

Good again.



Frost Giant Thiassi~

Bit overpowered. I would add on the end that it can only attack directly if Jotunheimr is on the field.



Frost Giant Hrungnir~

Um this card is broken. He needs a summoning cost, like 3 Tributes or something.

He doesn't need an increase effect. Hes already unstoppable with Jotunheimr on the field, and that card will make him 4000.



Frost Giant Thrudgelmir~

Overpowered. Should make his second attack only half the ATK of his first attack.

Otherwise 5/10


Frost Giant Thrym~

Same as Hrunggnir



Frost Giant Ymir~

Good effect. not too powerful.



Frosty Boy on the End is powerful.



All in all it is hard to tell whether it not these cards are effect.

Most monsters rely on their Field Spell Card but with Terraforming, The Owl lol or numerous other cards that bring spells out either from the deck or graveyard just make this deck stronger.


Hmm maybe alter the cards effects but still wouldn't know how good these are collectively.


I'll have to say overall so far its 6-7/10


now on to the next lot....


Tyr - God of Justice~

Not as strong as Thor stats wise but has a more powerful effect. It's more versatile meaning it isn't just good against Frost Giants but everything.



Sleipnir - The Eight Legged Steed~

Just broken. Should be weaker too.



Hermod - God of Speed~

Um same thoughts as the others.



Balder - God of Beauty

Same as above



Giant vs. God

Is a good card. Destroys alot of monsters.




Overall it's now 6.5-7/10


In a normal duel, how many cards can destroy a Field Spell Monster, and high ATK Monsters?

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Asgard 2 - Valkrie's Shrine~

Same as Asgard pretty much



Sif - Goddess of Fertility~

Good card.



Hungnir the Holy Javelin~

Err not really needed. Waste of space seeing how Odin would be the strongest thing on the field anyways.



Saga - Goddess of Prophecy

Won't rate until I know what Ragnarok's effect is.

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Saga - Goddess of Prophecy~

Okay so now I know the effect, I'm going to have to say that strong effect but still situational.




I can see this card along with Valhalla, and Asgard being a must in a deck with these cards. This probably being 3rd important, yet still a big threat if the other 2 are on the field.


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I'm a big fan of norse mythology' date=' hence my name, and I really like these. But I think ragnarok should do something a bit more...well, destructive. It's supposed to be the final fight between the giants and gods where everyone dies, right? Just a thought...


I know I am going to make a card called "ultimate ragnarok" but i am still thinking about a distructive effect, any suggestions.

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