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Image Contest - White Blizzard Set

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Hello all, just found this place and thought it looked cool...


I post a challenge to you, and want to see how it turns out.


I am on a Roleplaying forum, where we can create our own deck, as long as the cards are balanced... I will post below a series of cards I have written but not yet have created the card... I want to see what kind of image people envision with this....


Winner will get a rep point.


Good luck to all who enter!


White Blizzard Warrior


WIND - Warrior - Effect

Send the top card of your deck to the graveyard to negate an attack, trap or spell. When this card is destroyed or sent to the graveyard as a result of battle or a card effect, you can Special Summon a "White Blizzard Warrior" or "White Blizzard Stormcloud" from your hand or deck.



White BLizzard Stormcloud


WIND - Cloud Apparation - Effect

Increase the attack of all monster with "White Blizzard" in their name by 300 points. Send the top 2 cards of your deck to the graveyard to destroy one 4 star or lower monster on your opponent side.



White Blizzard Knight


WIND - Warrior - Effect

As long as there are two or more "White Blizzard Knights" on the field, search your deck for "White Weather Armor" and put it in your hand, you then can send the top 2 cards from your deck to the grave to Special Summon "Magician of Storms" Increase the ATK of all monsters with "White BLizzard" in thier name by 500 points.



White Blizzard Tiger


WIND - Beast - Effect

[Flip] Destroy one monster on the field, and inflict 500 points of damage to it's owner. Pay 300 lifepoints to attack your opponenet directly.



White Blizzard Magician


WIND - Spellcaster - Ritual - Effect

This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "White Blizzard Armor" and by removing "Magician of Storms" from play. Pay 1000 lifepoints to bring back "White Blizzard Armor" from your graveyard and attach it to this monster. When you do, increase this monster's attack by 500 points, and it cannot be destroyed by any monster or card effect. Sacrifice a monster at the end of your turn. If you cannot, then destroy the equipped card.



White Blizzard Monarch


WIND - Warrior - Effect

You can only have one "White Blizzard Monarch" on the field. This card cannot be destroyed by a card effect. Increase the attack of this card by 300 points for every "White Blizzard Knight" on the field. As long as there is a face-up "White Blizzard Knight" on the field, this card cannot be destroyed in battle.



White Blizzard Dragon


WIND - Dragon - Effect

This card cannot be destroyed in battle. Increase the attack of this card by 300 points for every monster with "White Blizzard" in it's name. Discard 1 card per monster from your hand in order to force your opponent's monsters to attack "White Blizzard Dragon"



White Blizzard Armor

Spell - Ritual

This card is used to Summon "White Blizzard Magician" You must also remove "Magician of Storms" from play. If this card is used as an equip, increase the attack of the equiped monster by 500 points, and it cannot be destroyed by a card effect. You must also discard a card from the top of your deck to the graveyard. If you cannot, then this card is destroyed.


White Blizzard Snowscreen

Trap - Continous

Pay 500 lifepoints to negate any attack or card effect. If you negate attack, your opponent's attack phase ends. This can only be used once per turn.


White Blizzard Recharged

Spell - Regular

Increase your lifepoints by 2000 points, and send all monster in your graveyard shuffled into your deck. This card can only be activated once during the duel. You must skip your next battle phase after this card is resolved.


Field of White Blizzard

Spell - Field

Increase the attack of all monsters with "White Blizzard" in their name by 500 points. Decrease the attack of all non-WIND monsters by 200 points.

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from the way the entries came in, I will give first place for every card a rep point.


Winner for White Blizzard Warrior:

Danilus... 1 rep point


Runner Up:



winner for White Blizzard Dragon:

raviel,lordofphantasms.. 1 rp point


Runner up:



Winner for White Blizzard Magician:

Frunk.. 1 rep point


Runner Up:



Now Although there was only one entry for Knight, i thought of that entry as more of the Warrior. There was one entry that I saw as the Knight, so for the White Blizzard Knight, I'm giving a Rep Point to Bromlee"s submission for Warrior.


Lastly, zhymet2's entry for Warrior, although good, did not really fit with me as a Warrior. However, there was another card that it fit a lot better in, so for White Blizzard Tiger, I award zhymet2 a rep point.


5 rep points earned. Thank you for your sumissions. I will have another weather related contest soon, so watch for it.

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