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1x cyber dragon

3x giant rat

3x amazoness paladin

3x amazoness tiger

3x amazoness swords woman

3x amazoness fighter

2x sacred phoenix

2x Legendary jujitsu master



1x monster reborn

1x mst

1x heavy storm

3x amazoness spellcaster

3x reinforcement of the army

2x warrior returning alive

3x shrink


3x amazoness archers

3x dramatic rescue

1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute



comments and fixes only and this is mainly for fun but i would like it to be competitive

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-3 Dramatic Rescue, read it a little more carefuly, you will notice it doesn't help as much as you think.


-Dmoc, It is gone in a couple of days, might as well prepare yourself.


- Premature, read reasons for dmoc


-3 Mirror Wall

-3 Spellcasters


+ Reinforcments, Its maxed soon too. I would suggest trying to play pre Sept 1st. All the cool kids are doing it. o.O


+ 3 PWWB

+ 3 Shrinks

+ 1 Vortex

+2 Book of moons

+ Card Trooper, Its earth, why not.

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With all the vortex, smashing ground, And Spell/ Trap destruction, when will you ever Get to use dramatic rescue? If you could use it when your opponent attacks, it be better, but you cant. It isn't that great of a card, and isn't needed.


Mirror wall isn't as useful as Shrink. If i play heavy before i attack what will Mirror wall do?!


PWWB Creates a reset for your opponent, and allows you to do a lot more damage.


The only reasons you have for Decking Dmoc and Phoenix is Dramatic rescue. Again, situational cards like that aren't necessary, and dead cards suck even more.

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people can only use heavy once and with people playing brain, shrink, soul exchange, enemy controller,and of course GB effects dramatic rescue isn't as useless as you think besides i don't neccessarily have to use it to get dmoc or phoenix out though it would be nice especially if i did get phoenix and i know what pwwb does

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