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MY own tutorial


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First, give yourself a plan on Word or another writing program. Me, it`s how I work:

Number of the card - Name - Type of card - Nb. of stars - Attribute - Type of monster - ATK - DEF - Description-Effect-Fusion Material cards-Spell effect-Trap effect


By example (One of the cards I created for pop culture section): CNP001. Samurai Jack - NORMAL - 5 stars - LIGHT – WARRIOR – 1900 ATK – 1600 DEF - A fierce warrior with ninja skills. He tried for years to get rid of Aku, the evil spirit who killed his parents.


Or the other version, way less condensed:


Samurai Jack

NORMAL monster card

5 stars



1900 ATK

1600 DEF

A fierce warrior with ninja skills. He tried for years to get rid of Aku, the evil spirit who killed his parents.


But I find this version less useful as it uses too much space.



Try finding a cool picture for your card. Sometimes it is really hard, as some pictures are protected and some others will be stretched. Sometimes Wikipedia pictures work, sometimes they don`t work. But if you search a nice pic, you should find a plus or less square one or you will really scrap your card`s picture. You must copy the link to the card in the designated space so be careful.



Once your pic is placed, you must work on... everything else. Place the name, the ID, everything... For the serial number, just click Random, it`s easier like that.


Most of the time users will see your card and say it`s overpowered (too powerful for its level) or underpowered (not enough powerful). So, by evaluating the ATK, DEF, stars and effect (if there`s one) of your card, you should change its level, ATK or DEF points, or effect.

If it`s a Spell or Trap card, habitually it`s because the effect is really powerful.



4.1 RARITY I always forget this detail. You must put a rarity to your card. Habitually it depends on all the stats of your card. A level 12 card will certainly not be Common, per example.

4.2 LINKS If you don`t have a photobucket or other picture site account, then your card will appear as a link. Some users are too lazy for clicking, so maybe you should see 4.3.

4.3 PICTURES ON POSTS Get an account on Photobucket or another picture site and you may see your card right on your post. Too bad it habitually uses a lot of space.


I hope my tutorial helped you. If anything is wrong, tell me.

I`m not English-speaking, nor English-writing, but I learn it so it looks really English. I probably did some mistakes writing this tutorial...

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i know how to make the cards but i dont get the signature thing and how u get things under your post???


You must arrange the signature with a special thing in your profile.

Just go to Change Signature. You can put a picture (if it`s coming from Photobucket) and you can also add links and quotes, stuff.

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