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Have you ever heard of Moola.com?

Basically, you start off with 1 cent, and then you play a your choice of a game against another human. If you win, you double up, if you lose, you lose what you wagered. At any time you can cash out what you've earned for REAL money! It's really addicting, and I have 2 invites left. PM if you want one.

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Sorry sir....but YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG on this one. I for one have played and I got $40.00 and cashed out and I recieved the check. Also check out the forum...there's tons of testimonials there. In total they have given out almost 2 million dollars. It is an extremely reputable and well known site. IT IS NOT a scam.



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Ok mate, I'm done fighting, as they say in the movies; I'm a man of peace, I'm done killing... (GTA Vice City)


All I'm getting at is that some (lots) of people like Moola and Poker, and if you don't like them, that's fine, but calling them gay is just gonna piss people off... So, it's over now.

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i loved to play gta vice city man i loved the guns and vilonce and everything else!


Loved the violence, lmao! :lol:


If you can kill people, it's an awsome game... right...


I don't play it 'cause it's violent... I haven't played Vice City in ages now that I think of it...

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