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Yu Gi Oh Masters of Dueling Episode 2, 11 years ago


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*wind blows*

???: It's over! Dimensinal Doom Dragon attack.


Duelist: Nooooooo...


Kale: Nooooooo...Ahh huh huh huh...Just a dream...or was it?

*looks up*


The next day...


Tim: So then what happened?


Kale: I don't know I wake up right before the end.


Tim: Hmm...That's wierd. Hey can I ask you something?


Kale: Sure.


Tim: Well we've been friends since fourth grade, and we duel eachother almost every day, and you always play your Red Eyes but that card is super rare, how did you get it?


Kale: Oh well...


Kale: It was a gift from a friend of mine.


Tim: Who?


*Kale stops walking, he looks down*


Kale: *miserible voice* Follow me.


Tim: Ok.


*they head toward a graveyard*


Kale: Here.


Tim: A toomstone?


*looks at the stone and reads*


Tim: Ell Slyder.


*looks at Kale, sees tears falling from his eyes*


Tim: Who is this?


Kale: ...


The next day...


*knock on door*


Kale's Mom: Coming.


*she opens the door*


Kale's Mom: Oh hello Tim, Kale just left but he'll be back shortly.


Tim: Actually I was hopeing to talk to you.


Kale's Mom: Oh, about what?


Tim: Yesterday Kale took me too a grave that said Ell Slyder. When I asked him who it was he wouldn't answer.


*Kale's mom frowns*


Kale's Mom: Please come in.


Kale's Mom: Take a seat. To tell you the truth I'm surprised he took you to her grave.


Tim: Why.


Kale's Mother: Well he dosn't like to talk about her. She was Kale's sister she was in a terible an accident. Kale was about six when it happened.

Her, Kale, and her fiance Jim got in to a cab one night. After about 5 minuits a car ran the light and hit there car. Kale and Jim got off easy, they walked way unhirt, but Ell didn't she was right were the car hit. Her dying wish was that Kale get her prised duel monsters deck. As far as I know Kale hasn't changed one thing about it.


Tim: Oh. Well thanks...


Kale: I'm home.


*He looks at Tim*


Kale: Get out!


Tim: Just leaving.


*he rushes out the door*


Kale's Mom: Kale!


*kale runs up to his room and slams the door shut*


Tim: Hmm.


11 years ago...


Kale: Oh let's take this cab.


Ell: Ok, sure.


Jim: Kinda crouded. *laughs*


Kale: Hey sis.


Ell: Yeah?


Kale: How did you get that red eyes again.


Ell: *laughs* Havn't I told you this story.


Kale: Yeah but I like It.


Ell: Ok well.




Ell: Ahh!


1 hour later in the town hospitle...


Ell: Kale come here.


Kale: *crying* Yes.


Ell: Take this. I know how much you like them. *closes eyes*


Kale: Ell don't die.


Jim: come here little guy.


Kale: *cries very loud*


present time...


*Tim enters Kale's room*


Tim: Your Mom told me the rest.


Kale: Leave.


Tim: I'm sorry.


Kale: It was my fault if I hadn't told them to take that cab.


One week later...


*knock on door*


Tim: Hello is Kale home.


Kale's Mom: Oh, he's not with you.


Tim: No.


Kale's Mom: I havn't seen him at all today.


Tim: I think I know were he is.


*Tim goes to Ell's grave*


Tim: Thought i'd find you here.


Kale: Go away.


Tim: Listen you and me are going to duel if I win you have to snap out of it. If you win I'll just leave you alone forever.


Kale: You can't win, my sister's deck is unbeatible.


Tim: Then duel me.


Kale: Fine if this will end it all.


Tim and Kale together: Let's Duel!


Kale LP: 8000

Tim LP: 8000


*they draw there cards*


Kale: I summon Blazing Inpachi (1850/0) Next I'll put this face down and end my turn.


Tim: Alright I play D-struct this allows me to destroy one monster on the field so say goodby to your Inpachi. Now i'll put this face down. Next I summon The White Knight (1500/500)


Kale: sorry but my face was Trap hole this destroys you monster...


Tim: Sorry but I figured you would do that so I layed down Trap Stoper this stops your trap hole in it's tracks. Now attack White Knight.


Kale LP: 8000---7500

Tim LP: 8000


Tim: Sorry buddy but your not winning this one.


To be continued...

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