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Heart of the Cards V.1 >><<Chapter 4!!!>><<


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Okay, so I've had a lot of ideas for making a fan-fic

and didnt' barely like any of them so I decided to lock

them and start over, but finally I think I've got the

right idea... more below.


Volume 1

[spoiler=Chapter 1]


"I'm tellin' you pal! Just sign up for that tournament


and you'll slice da dice!" Kyle said. André hung his


head below and replied, "I don't know, it's been long


since I've last dueled." John ignored them both and decided


to keep on licking the top of his Strawberry Ice-Cream.


Kyle then thumped John on the back so he would pay more


attention. "Why did you do that?" John asked, as he picked


the Ice-Cream back up and blew off the germs. As André


took his deck out of his pants pocket, he surfed through his


deck. He had about 50, and that was the maximum to enter


the tournament. As soon as he stopped at the 50th one, he


decided to enter the tournament and say, "Hey, guys. I might


actual--" he was cut off as Kaie came walking by, whispering,


"Losers." Kyle stopped and looked at him, and so did Kaie, then


Kyle raised his fist and asked, "Why don't you duel André?" Then


Kaie looked at André as he was putting his deck back, "That


loser? Sure why not? That'll be easy." Kaie walked toward


André and shoved him to the Duel Arena.


André LP: 6000

Kaie LP: 6000


"Are you ready? Loser?" Kaie asked as he quickly grabbed


his deck and put it on his Duel Disc. "I'm ready.." André


whispered pulling out his deck, "I don't even have the


right cards to beat Kaie.. wait a minute! I have the Dark Magician!"


André lifted a smile as it was his turn to draw. He


ended up drawing Curse of Dragon. And his hand was especially




Feral Imp


Summoned Skull




Gaia the Fierce Knight


Sword of Dark Destruction


Dian Keto the Cure Master


"The perfect deck to take down Kaie, quickly." Andre thought.


"Alright, I place down a card face-down! And I also place


down Gaia the Fierce Knight, in Attack Positon! And finally


I end my turn.." André ordered his monsters. "Ha! Weak monsters..


of course, to a weak fool.." Kaie mocked André any way possible.


Kaie drew and he had the Spell Card, Ookazi in his hand.


"Perfect.." Kaie grew a wide grin on his face, and André


looked nervous. Kaie's deck was good as well:







Judge Man




Ultimate Offering


Just Desserts


"Okay, the first card I'll set on the field is Judge Man, in


Attack Position! Then I'll use the Spell Card, Oozaki to


inflict 800 points of direct damage!" Kaie laughed as he


knew his victory was set. And André's feet trembled


as he lost 800 Life Points:


André LP: 5200

Kaie LP: 6000


"This guys playing hard ball, and why'd he play Judge Man?"


André questioned himself. "Now! I set down the Spell Card, Fissure,


which destroys any face-up monsters on your field with the lowest


ATK! And unfortunately you only have one, and now I also play


Reinforcements, which adds 500 ATK to one selected monster on


my field.. and I choose Judge Man!" Kaie felt victory at his side


when he ordered Judge Man to directly attack André. Judge Man


ran for André, but unfortunately the card that André placed, face-down


was Dian Keto the Cure Master which he flipped up before he was attacked.


André LP: 2500

Kaie LP: 6000


"This battles set, André you will lose!" Kaie said as he ended his


turn. "He's right.. I have 2700 Life Points.. this is bad, I need


to find a way to beat him.. Fissure took Gaia the Fierce Knight..


better draw.." André thought, trembling to think what card lays


next in his deck.



[spoiler=Chapter 2]


"What's wrong? Are you afraid and accept defeat?" Kaie asked,


pressuring André to the full extent. "I have to choose the right


card to beat Judge Man, but his ATK is 2700. If only I had the right


card.." André thought, he drew his next card and was holding


the perfect card, Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon. "What's this card doing


in my deck?" André then turned his head to see Kyle winking.


A smile then lifted on André's face, Kyle must've switched some cards


before the duel. André got back to focus and yelled, "I play the legendary..


Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon!" Kaie didn't look too happy, the grin on his


face soon swept away as André ordered his dragon to toast Judge Man.


"Feeling lucky, now?" André asked.


Andre LP: 2500

Kaie LP: 5700


"Big deal, barely any damage was dealt. I'm still on the winning road!"


Kaie felt nervous as he drew his next card, Terra the Terrible, "Stupid


card.." Kaie thought as he said, "I play the Pot of Greed, but first


I'll discard a card, then draw two more..." Kaie sounded confident.


Of course he would.. he drew a God card.. like no one ever knew..


"I'll need to tribute Summon this card, that'll be hard.. with that


Blue-Eyes on his side he can toast any of my monsters.. I'll just have to


use my logic.." Kaie thought, "Hurry up!" André shouted, it startled


Kaie.. "Hmph. I guess I could play it... I play.. Relinquished! It allows


me to steal one of your monsters ATK and DEF! And I steal your Blue-Eyes


Toon Dragon's ATK and DEF!" Kaie shouted, proclaiming his victory...


"But I also have a special treat, I'll tribute Summon my Relinquished, and


then I'll use this Trap Card, Trap Hole!" André grew with fear...


"And now.. I'll tribute Summon my Relinquished.. and use the other


Pot of Greed in my hand to draw 2 more cards! And now.. I'll use


another careless monster to tribute Summon my special card...


Obelisk the Tormentor!" Kaie laughed as a holographic Obelisk


the Tormentor appeared. André trembled to his feet, "I'm done for..


I can't beat Obelisk." André whispered, Obelisk ran for André


and finished him, André fell to his feet... he was done for...



[spoiler=Chapter 3 - Prologue]


André looked at himself in the mirror, he was only 10 years


old and he thought he could take on the world. "You can do


this! You can beat grandpa this time!" André had confidence,


but a loud knock on his bedroom door broke his peace.


"Hurry up in there, André! We've got a duel!" Grandpa informed


André, as he got his deck ready. He exited his room and


went with his grandpa to the living room, while they were playing


another loud knock on the front door broke their fun. Grandpa stopped


playing and told André to go to his room. He got up and decided


to see who was there, it was one of the expert duelists, who robbed


people of their names. Grandpa answered and asked, "Hello there,


what can I do for you?" As André creaked open his door 2 inches


he saw his grandpa fall to his knees, his soul was lost. André


watched as his mother, and brothers souls were lost.


As the killers left, he flew out of his bedroom to check on his grandpa.


His last words were.. "Take this card.. it'll help you.." as grandpa


coughed blood, he finally died. André's hands were trembling, an


ancient card he was holding, the Winged Dragon of Ra. "Perfect.."


André whispered.



[spoiler=Chapter 4 - The Conclusion]


André brushed off his shoulders as Kyle and John helped


him up. "You alright, pal?" Kyle asked, worried for his friend.


André nodded, then replied, "Who won the match?" Kaie chuckled


and said, "I did. Unfortunately you blacked out after my


Blue-Eyes White Dragon, completely destroyed you." André


had a puzzled look on his face, "Blue-Eyes? You had a Obelisk with


you!" André shouted as Kaie started walking away, the word 'Obelisk'


stopped Kaie's footsteps, he slowly turned around and replied, "I'd


be the luckiest man on earth if I had an Obelisk the Tormentor. You see,


André, I have no God cards, except for the Slifer the Sky Dragon I used


to own, but I've figured out it's flaw." Kaie finished, taking a breath, and


continued, "Slifer the Sky Dragon works in a special way, André."


Kyle and John soon stopped dusting off André as Kaie continued on


Slifer. "The way it works, is how much cards you hold in your hands,


determines Slifer's ATK and DEF. Bu--" Kyle interrupted, "Why're you


tellin' us this if we're basically enemies?" Kaie grew angrier, then continued,


"If you were to use a card, let's say, Infinite Cards. You can basically


possess any amount of cards, beyond the limit of six." André


interjected, "I don't need help from you." Kaie turned away, and he started


walking back home. "Maybe you should have tooken his advice, André."


John suggested. "Yeah, he seemed knowledgeable at that time!" Kyle


said, agreeing with John. "Don't worry, I can look up Slifer online."


André said, him and his two buds starting to walk home.


Volume 1 -- Over...


"What do you mean? They've found out the secret of Slifer


the Sky Dragon?" ??? asked. "I'm afraid so--" ??? was interrupted.


Another cloaked man entered, informing his leader, "We've obtained


it, we've gotten Obelisk the Tormentor, and the Winged Dragon of Ra."


??? grew a wide smile on his face. He grew a slow chuckle, but advanced


to a great laugh. "Fetch me.. Slifer the Sky Dragon now!"



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