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beatdown is the use of strong monsters like Gene Warped Werewolf, Goblin Attack Force, Chainsaw Insect, and maybe Blue Eyes, to constantly use their strength to do lots of damage. most monsters used in beatdown decks have no effect, but some good ones to use are:


the ones i mentioned above

Dark Ruler Ha Des

Giant Orc

Goblin Elite

Luster Dragon

Archfiend Soldier

Ultimate Tyranno

Black Tyranno

Super Conductor Tyranno

any strong monster with a Piercing effect

Cyber End Dragon

Cyber Dragon

any level 4 monsters with 1900 atk.



also, you might consider Axe of Despair, Mage Power, Fairy Meteor Crush, and United We Stand, for more power. Skill Drain is also widely used to stop your opponent from using effects like Exiled Force, DD Warrior Lady, Old Vindictive Magician, any Flip effects, and Snipe Hunter. it also helps keep Goblin ATK Force, Giant Orc, and Goblin Elite in attack position.


hope this helps.



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