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Good-quality tokens in Paint!


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Very easy! Just follow the steps:

  • - Save this blank:
    - Resize or Crop your image to 237x245 pixels using Stretch (might require some math) or Attributes. [For example, my image was 250x250 pixels so I used Attributes to crop it down to 237x245. If your image has a totally unrelated size, you will have to calculate how much percentage is 237 and 245 of that size's height/width separately. Then use stretch and enter the percentage, rounded up if in decimals. If it is still a bit bigger, you can crop it using Attributes.]
    - Paste the altered image into the box.
    - With Palatino Linotype (NOT Matrix!) of size 7, type in the Set ID and Copyright.
    - Done! This is what I got (made exclusively in Paint)

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found it easy ^_^

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actually,theres nothing wrong with it,you can't add any names or descriptions otherwise it wouldn't be realistic,in your store you allow people to change the name but that ends up in a unrealistic token because they can't have names,otherwise you can't use it as any tokens.nice tut now that will stop people from making synchros as tokens in their deck.

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this tut is a little weird' date=' you must have got that card in a fake cards thingy because i make hq tokens and i dont think this is good.



YOU are a little weird. If you don't believe me look up tokens on Yugioh Wikia.

And tokens never have different names/effects. Otherwise what's the use? You would have to get different tokens for each card Special Summoning different tokens -_-"


And this is a LOT better than your everything-except-card-image grayscaled tokens.


Sorry if I was too rude but I'm just telling what I feel. It just bugs me that you contradict me all the time.


To simple...


Well' date=' this was the most complicated tut I could make anout tokens :mrgreen:


nice tut now that will stop people from making synchros as tokens in their deck.


Thank you ^_^

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Magno, you made a mistake, I suppose if you properly followed the tut the picture would fit into the box properly.


"Palatino" doesn't seem to work right... something a little more compact is needed.


Officially, Matrix is the right font, but when not writing in caps Palatino is better.

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