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Red Card Recolr Template tut for paint | Templates provided | Great results. Just follow the steps!


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Well, I noticed that paint users have no way to recolor cards, so they always had to buy them. I have now made a tut with TEMPLATES that can be used to make recolors on Paint! I hope you enjoy this tut. Plz try it out and see how it goes.


Step 1: save this template:


Step 2: Open Paint.


Step 3: open up another paint and open up the saved template, or just copy and past the template onto the other paint.


Step 4: Pick a card.

Step 5: Past the card on the first paint, and copy the template and post it over the card.

NOTE: The attribute and effect should be visible. Do not worry about the name or stars yet.


Step 5: Put the level stars on the card.

Star template:


Note: zoom in to 200% and make the level stars evenly spaced out(Not too far) and that they are even.


Step 6: The name.

Font: Do not use arial. The closest font is GEORGIA. That one works well.

Size: For the big letters in the card, use size 18 or 20. Go down 2 sizes of the size you used for the big letters to make the smaller upper case letters.


Step 7: Save your card.


You have now finished making the card.


NOTIFICATION: These templates are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Do NOT use them in shops. If you do, I will give you 2 negs. This is a warning. I will pm you after negging you and alert you. Each day you don't take them off of your shop, I will neg you.



I hope this tut helps paint users. I will propably make more color templates later on and add them to this.

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