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My monarchs

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1 Tribute monsters:


[x2] Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

[x2] Raiza the Storm Monarch

[x1] Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

[x1] Mobius the Frost Monarch

[x2] Destiny Hero- Dasher

[x2] Cyber Dragon




[x2] Destiny Hero- Fear Monger

[x2] Destiny Hero- Disk Commander

[x2] Gravekeeper's Spy

[x2] Mystic Tomato

[x1] Treeborn Frog

[x1] Snipe Hunter

[x1] Sangan

[x1] Spirit Reaper




[x2] Brain Control

[x2] Soul Exchange

[x1] Pot of Avarice

[x1] Snatch Steal

[x1] Destiny Draw

[x1] Scapegoat

[x1] Premature Burial

[x1] Nobleman of Crossout

[x1] Double Summon

[x1] Confiscation




[x1] Magic Cylinder

[x1] Ultimate Offering

[x1] Ring of Destruction

[x1] Sakuretsu Armor

[x1] Widespread Ruin

[x1] Call of the Haunted

[x1] Torrential Tribute


Please feel free to post ideas and thoughts.

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wheres the troopers' date=' dust shoots, and a morphing jar?

to be onist this is the first monarch deck i have see with d-heros its kinda of a nice change. 9/10



Are you serious? Have you never heard of Perfect Circle?


And NO. DON'T RUN COST DOWN. The monarchs only get their effects from tributes, and Perfect Circle needs those effects or you LOSE.


Where are your Malicious'????


And you need more D-Draws too... I take it you don't have enough? Well then do with what you have and then when you get the cards, use 'em.


-1 Mobius [Just, don't xD]

-2 Tomato [Don't need them in ATK mode]

-1 Sangan [No point really]


+3 Malicious [You really need them]

+2 Trooper [Discard Disk Commanders]

+1 Snipe/Spy/Trooper [Obvious]


-1 POA [Don't need it =/]

-2 Soul Exchange [Fast Attacking is what this deck's about]

-1 Scapegoat [can't tribute, slows deck]

-1 Double Summon [No point, PC is great without it]


+2 D-Draw [PC needs it]

+1 Brain Control [Need it dude]


-1 Ultimate Offering [WTF???]

-1 Saku Armor [spread is better]


+1 Widespread Ruin [see Saku]

+1 Mirror Force [Why isn't it in there?]


Good luck bro... Right now I'd give it a 5/10... These edits I'd say would put you up to an 8 or so...

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nope never heard of it O.o




Perfect Circle is using the effects of Malicious to special summon it and sac it for a monarch' date=' including using D-Draw and Disk Commander to draw like crazy. Thus bringing it "Perfect Cirle."


i learnd something today. i think i never heard of it is because everyone here uses the same monarch deck. but yeah.

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