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Covert Operatives


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ok, these ideas are just in their infancy, i need to develop effects & stats to go with the card names but i have a rough idea of what i would like, please post intelligent ideas only ~>COUGH<~

lego dude



Δ delta: Covert Operative Field Commander

Θ theta: Covert operative field agent

Ξ xi: Covert agent programmer

ζ zeta: Covert agent munitionist

τ tau: Covert Operative Chief


Σ sigma: Enemy Operative Chief

Φ phi: Enemy operative field agent

Ψ psi: Enemy agent Munitionist

Ω omega: Enemy Operative Field Commander

Ο omicron: Enemy agent Programmer

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well of course, the chief guys will have the master/support effects like in theme decks ex vampire genesis.


the munitions expert guys will have cost effects that destroy monsters, S/T,


the programmers could have something that messes with the hand and or deck or gets you cards into your hand


the field agents could maybe be battle recruiters

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