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the Snakey Wolf Lord

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Tinypic doesn't work? It's imageshack that make my cards smaller for me (although' date=' you can click on the pic to make it bigger). Just try testing it.




Tinypic -> [img']http://i14.tinypic.com/67q623o.jpg[/img]





Imageshack -> akvalraevw4.th.png


And Photobucket also does normal-heigt cards. Just upload it from your documents, then left-click left to the last link, and you place the link in your post, the card will show at the height it was when you uploaded it.

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[align=center]Go to imageshack.us, then choose the card, and don't choose to resize it.

Upload it.

When it uploads there are sets of options, left of each link is a sentence telling you what they are.

Do NOT choose any thumbnails.

The thumbnails are the top links, you must scroll down to below the picture of the card and there is another set of links.

From them, either choose 'Hotlink for forums(1)' or 'Direct link'.

If you choose 'Hotlink for forums(1)', you can just copy and paste it into the post.

If you choose 'Direct Link', you can copy and paste the link into the post but you must put image tags onto it (at the start and at the end).

When using 'Imageshack' sometimes underneath the links is a bit which says 'Shot at TODAYS/DATE/07', you cannot help copy and pasting that when it does come up for some reason but just delete it when you paste the link into your post.


Hope that helps!


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