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Undecided Solider (revized)


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Ive been trying to better make "Undecided Solider" and the rest of these card idea's


please help me to improve or at least work out where and what problems there are with these cards


The Undesided Solider


4 stars


This card may also used as a light monster.

increase the atk and def by 200 for every card out of play.

atk 1000 def 1000


:x Yes he is light/Dark fiend/fairy and what problems are there with that? :x

Also any idea for naming his equip cards


Desision - #####

magic/equip card

this card can be discarded from your hand to the graveyard to add one "the undesided" from your deck to your hand

this card can only be equiped "the undesided"

increase the atk of the equiped monster by 400 x every Fire or Thunder monster on the field

so long as this card is on the field, change the type of the equiped monster to dragon/thunder and the attib to fire


Desision - #####

magic/equip card

this card can be discarded from your hand to the graveyard to add one "the undesided" from your deck to your hand

this card can only be equiped "the undesided"

so long as the equiped monster is in def it cannot be destoryed in battle or monster effect.

so long as this card is on the field, change the type of the equiped monster to rock/machine and the attib to earth


Desision - #####

magic/equip card

this card can be discarded from your hand to the graveyard to add one "the undesided" from your deck to your hand

this card can only be equiped "the undesided"

decrease the def of the equiped monster by 800,once juring your main phase you can change the position of a monster on the field, negate any effects of the selected monster that turn

so long as this card is on the field, change the type of the equiped monster to aqua/spellcaster and the attib to water


Desision - #####

magic/equip card

this card can be discarded from your hand to the graveyard to add one "the undesided" from your deck to your hand

this card can only be equiped "the undesided"

decrease the atk of the equiped monster by 800, the equiped monster can attack twice a turn, when the equiped monster does battle damage add one counter on this card.

remove 7 counters to attack all monsters apponets side of the field this turn.

so long as this card is on the field, change the type of the equiped monster to winged beast/warrior and the attib to wind


Desision - Hero


This card can only be equiped "the undesided"(as an effect monster), while a dark monster is on your apponets side of the field.

change the equiped monsters name to "Element Hero the guiding light"

increase the equiped monsters atK by 1000 for every light monster on your side of the field

so long as this card is on the field, change the type of the equiped monster to Fairy/pyro and the attib to light.

juring your end phase if there is a monster on your apponents side of the field you must remove all cards on the field from play


Desision - Villian


This card can only be equiped "the undesided"(as an effect monster), while a light monster is on your apponets side of the field.

change the equiped monsters name to "Evil Hero The End"

increase the equiped monsters atK by 1000 for every dark monster on your side of the field

so long as this card is on the field, change the type of the equiped monster to Fiend/Beast and the attib to dark.

juring your end phase if there is a monster on your apponets side of the field you must remove all cards on the field from play


The Choice


pay 1300 life points to activate this card, gain 100 life points every main phase this card is face up on the field.

you may tribute this face up card to special summon "the undesided soilder", from your hand, deck or graveyard with effect.

If a "the undesided soilder" already exsists on your side of the field,

you may tribute this face up card to add one "Desision" equip card from your deck to your hand.


Brick Wall


7 stars


so long as this card is faceup on your side of the field all faceup monsters(excluding this card) are switched to attack

ATK 2300 DEF 2700


Ingnition Fluied


pay 1000 life points to activate this card

all pyro type and fire attib monsters on the field cannot be destroyed in battle this turn

players loses 500 life points per pyro type monster they control


Fortress - Stronghold


when this card is played remove from play all cards on the field named "People running about", "Opperessed People" or "united resistance".

Place one counter for each card removed from play with this effect.

when this card is destoryed you can remove a counter instead.


Fortress - Defence Force


This card can only be played when "Fortress - Stronghold" is on the field.

As long as this card is on the field you gain 2 monster slots behind your original 5 slots.

The monsters in these slots cannot be targeted for an attack while there are one or more monsters exesist in your original slots.

Monsters in the front slots cannot be face down.

you may move 2 monsters around your field juring your main phase.

when this card is removed from the field, remove from play any monsters exesisting in the back slots as well.


Fortress - Throne


This card cannot be activated unless "fortress - stronghold" is on the field.

Select one monster with "King" in its name.

The selected monster cannot be removed from the field or destoryed(excepted by battle)

Any gain or lost in life points is added/removed from the selected monsters ATK and DEF

When the selected monster is destroyed you lose the duel.


Fortress - Round Table


This card can only be used during your apponets battle phase when "Fortress - stronghold" is on the field.

when your apponet attacks you can select one of the following effects:

-switch the attack target with a monster with "knight" in its name.

-return one monster with "Knight" in its name to the deck, Then special summon one monster with 4 stars or less and has "knight" in its name.



Goshtly old friend


2 stars


Once per turn during your main phase if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "the undesided solider" as an equip card or unequip the union card and special summon it in attack position.

while equiped to a monster by this effect,the equipped monster type is zombie,also once during your main phase you can bring back a "desision" equip card from your graveyard to your hand.

you can not equip a card to the monster while this card is equiped to it.(1 monster can only be equipped with one union monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destoryed as result of battle destory this card instead.)

any battle damage to the owner of this card(well in a union or not) when this card battles is negated



Dark thorn armor


3 stars


Once per turn during your main phase if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "the undesided solider" as an equip card or unequip the union card and special summon it in attack position.

while equiped to a monster by this effect,the equipped monster type is plant,also the equipped monster cannot be targeted by magic or trap cards and negate magic and trap cards that destory this monster.

you can not equip a card to a monster while this card is equiped to it.(1 monster can only be equipped with one union monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destoryed as result of battle destory this card instead.)

ATK 700 DEF 1350


Orchard Tree


6 stars

during your standby phase summon one "seed token" (earth\2 star\plant\effect\you can tribue this token as two for a plant type monster\100 ATK\100 DEF) on your side of the field.

all plants type monsters gains 100 ATK and DEF for every plant monster on the field.

destroy 3 "seed tokens" to special summon one 4 star plant type monster from deck or graveyard.

1300 1750


snow storm


players lose 300 life points during their main phase

plant monsters cannot be destoryed in battle and cannot be tribued.(damage is caluated normaly)

the atk and def of water monters are increased by 700

fire and/or pyro monsters lose 1000 ATK and gain 400 DEF

a monster not all ready affected by this card cannot attack the same turn they are summoned




water monsters are change to facedown defence during all end phases

fire and/or pyro monsters atk and def decreased to 0

monsters with "frost" gain 1000 ATK

face up monsters lose 350 ATK and DEF every standby phase

this card is destoryed if "snow storm" is not on the field

this card is destoryed during your apponents second main phase after this card is played


Frosty the snowman


4 stars


so long as this card is faceup on the field monsters with more than 2000 ATK lose 700 ATK and DEF

ATK 900 DEF 1300


the challanger


6 star


reverse any effects that affects the atk of this card

ATK 1650 DEF 1000


Dimental twister


3 stars


This may also be used as water

destory all cards on your side of the field and hand to,

add 1 magic, trap and monster from out of play to your hand

As long as "snow storm" remains face-up on the field, you may use this effect

if there is a wind monster on the field this card may attack 3 times a turn

ATK 750 DEF 300


Master of the Time Paradox


5 stars


This card cannot be Special Summoned

this card returns to the owner's hand during the end phase of the turn that this card is Summoned

destroy one coutinuous spell card to add or remove 2 Stars on a monster in your hand or field untill the end of your battle phase.

ATK 1450 DEF 1400


Time Paradox


For every magic card activated place a spell counter on this card (excluding this card)

the effect of this card can only be used if "Master of the Time Paradox" is on the field

remove 4 spell counters to remove from play a magic or trap card from up to two turns ago and negate any effect it had on the current duel

you and your apponet cannot clam extra attacks or use of other cards that could have been used.

This cards effect cannot be negated


Time Warp


this card can only be actived when "Master of the Time Paradox" is on the field

remove your hand and the top 10 cards of you deck to out of play

All Monsters become 4 star monsters with an original ATK and DEF of 1500 untill your next draw Phase

If you Still have a monster left by your next turn

return 5 cards from out of play to your deck then shuffle


Time for Speed


this card can only be used if "Master of the Time Paradox" is in your hand

draw the top 4 cards off your deck destory the next two cards off the top of the deck


Messages from the Successful Furture


When "master of the time paradox" is returned to your hand any life point damage taken by the controler of this card from last battle phase is gained back


Master of Time and Space


7 stars


"Master of the Different Dimention"+"Master of the Time Paradox"

once per main phase you can destory one magic card from your hand or field to;

.Perminaly increase or decrease 1 star and 500, ATK or DEF(if you remove a star you must remove from ATK or DEF) on a monster in your hand or on your side of the field(monsters cannot exceed 9 stars with this effect)

.Return one card from out of play to its owners graveyard or deck

At any time You may Send this card from the field to out of play Untill your apponet next summons a monster(excluding special summon)

to remove one magic or trap out of play on your apponets side of the field

ATK 2200 DEF 1750


I know some of them are a little wordly but how can I shrink them?

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