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The SSS (september six samurai)

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Monsters: 23


Grandmaster Of The Six Samurai- X

Great Shogun Shien- XX

Six Samurai Zanji- XX

Six Samurai Irou- XX

Six Samurai Yariza- X

Six Samurai Yaichi- XX

Six Samurai Nisashi- X

Six Samurai Kamon- X

Marauding Captain- XXX

Exiled Force- XX

D.D. Assailant- XXX

Wildheart- XX

D.D. Warrior Lady- X


Spells: 12



Fusion Sword Murasame Blade- XX

Heavy Storm- X


Premature Burial- X

Enemy Controller- XXX


Traps: 7

Sakuretsu Armor- XXX

Mirror Force- X


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Um, why do you have CotH at two? Call isn't getting semi'd, is it? Same with Premature Burial... and, for that matter, Mystical Space Typhoon?


Ok, now for fixes:


-3 Sakuretsu Armor

+3 Widespread Ruin

In lieu of Cyber Phoenix. Not common, but it's better to take Widespread than risk your defensive traps getting shut down.


-2 Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

+2 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai


-1 Great Shogun Shien

+1 Torrential Tribute.


-1 Mystical Space Typhoon

-1 Premature Burial

-1 Call of the Haunted

+? ??? (Reasoning? The Transmigration Prophecy? More warrior support? Wildhearts? A third D.D. Assailant? I don't know, just try fiddling around with these spots).


Just try testing a few fixes, see how they work for you, k? That's the really obvious thing.

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That's spam. And I was going to advise taking out the other Six Samurai, but I decided against it, in case you wanted to run all six. If you DON'T:

-1 Nisashi

-1 Kamon (belongs in side)

-1 Yariza

+1 Yaichi (three)

+1 Zanji (three)

+1 Wildheart/Cyber Dragon/Reasoning/whatever.



-1 Enemy Controller/Sakuretsu Armor

+1 Brain Control

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