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|DM| Politics: The Disc Game. Debates™ |DM|

Luna Lovegood

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Welcome to the first political trading card game, or Debates™. This game is based on Current Political Standings. This means that George Bush is STILL President of the US. I will try and update the standings regularly.

[spoiler=[b]The stats are like this:[/b]]

Popularity: Bassicly a ATK

Fall Back Position: After a Politicians loses once, they no longer have a Popularity, but only their FBP. This position has no effect on un-defeated Politicians

Specialty: Any special moves

[spoiler=[b]Parts Of Discs[/b]]

Name [top]

A card includes a realistic picture [Top Below Name].

An ID number [Really low, lower then anything].

The Popularity on the left below the pic.

FBP on the right, next to Popularity

Specialty Below FBP and Popularity

[spoiler=[b]The Terms Of The Game:[/b]]

Holographic Map Zone™


Disc Zone™

Political Zone™



Election Zone™



By-Election Zone™



Pollitically Attack™




Special Disc Phase™

Special Disc™

Politician Disc™

Debate Phase™


[spoiler=[b]The game starts.[/b]]

It is played on a Holographic World Map™.


Your entire set of Discs [versions of cards] are in your Disc Zone™. This zone is located directly between you and your Political Zones™. All Discs create a Holographic Image of what they represent.


Both players now have 1000 Votes™.


Each player may now put 1 Candidate™ up for Election™. Candidates are Politician Discs™. Now you place the Disc of your Candidate in your Election Zone™.


Next, each member may choose to place any number of Votes on any Candidate™[Disc in the Election Zone] they choose. To do so, they simply use a finger to write on the Card™. The Candidate with the most Votes gets Elected, so gain 30 Popularity.


Next, each player loses the amount of votes they had, that they didn't place on the winning Candidate. All votes on the winning Candidate go to the By-Election Zone™. These Votes stay here until the case as a By-Election™ is held.


A By-Election is held if the regular Election is a tie. This means at least 2 Candidates receive the same number of Votes. What happens is each player receives a number of Votes from the By-Election Zone equal to fare ratio of the number of votes their Candidate received. They may now hold a By-Election by voting as they did in the regular election.


After the votes have been finished, all Candidates are Elected™. This means their Discs are moved to the Political Zone.


A Disc in the Political Zone can be used to Politically Attack™ another Politician™. This causes a Debate™. In this case, both Politicians have their Popularity compared. The Politician with the most Popularity wins the Debate.


If a Politician loses a Debate, instead of Debating™ with their Popularity, they Debate with their FBP.


After a Candidate has been Elected, we now enter the Special Disc Phase™. All players can now search their respective Disc Zones for Special Discs™. Special Discs are Discs that are not Politicians Discs. They simply have the Specialties.


After this, Debates begin. Within the Debate Phase™, each player can have 1 Debate with each Politician they have in their Political Zone. Each player can use Special Discs during this time.


After a Politician has lost a Debate with their FBP, they become a Lawyer. Lawyers are used to support Politicians in Debates. They can Attack an opponent. An ATTACK by a Lawyer happens by taking the number of Layers you have x10. Then, a Debate occurs. The Lawyers form a Sudo-Politician™. This exists only during the Debate Phase.


A Special Disk can be anything from a Dirty Secret to a Nuclear Missile Crisis.

I think you know enough for now. But secrets may be revealed during this Fan Fic....


In the next spoiler, I will post a snippet of a Debate game. You can join the projct after reading this if you like it. Our goal: Create a new era of TDG: TDG.

[spoiler=Let The Debate, Begin]

"Hello Marcus. Are you ready for our Debate?" asked Luke. His tone indifferent. This guy new his stuff, he was President of Russia.

"I am. And what country will you be using?" asked Marcus.

"Russia, of course. And you?" asked Luke.

"I, well, I will use a Canadian Disc Set™." said Marcus.

The took out their Disc's and placed them in their Disc Zones.

"I go first. Time for an Election! I put up Joyce Murray for Election!" proclaimed Marcus.

"And I put up, Vladmir Puttin." said Luke.

"As you know, this is a public debate, so we are not the only ones who vote. Now audience, vote for a Candidate!" exclaimed Marcus. His voice rang through the arena.

"The results are... Joyce Murray, 200. Vladmir Puttin, 300. It seems I win. Now my Vladmir comes onto the field. And he has 300 Popularity+ 30. So he has 330 Popularity." said Luke.

"But Joyce Murray only has 170!" said Marcus.

"That's right, so now, it's time for my Debate Phase. Now go, Vladmir, Debate Mrs Murray!" said Luke.

"I feel sorry for you!" scoffed Marcus.

"But I'll win!" stated Luke cautiously.

"Check again. I am sorry, but now The Map comes into play. Since Vladmir attacked Murray in her own country, Canada, she has the Liberal Advantage. As she is a Liberal, her own part of the country is Liberal. Because of this, she automatically wins against non-Liberals!" explained Marcus.

"But that means..." began Luke.

"Yes, it means that this Debate is mine." he said. Now, on top of the map, an image appeared of two politicians debating. All of a sudden, one raised their arm. Victory belonged to...


That little story will fit into the story somewhere....


What do you think? If I get not answers, I will write this and post it and bump it. But I would prefer answers.


[spoiler=Episode 1; Gaining Control]

Marcus stepped out of his home onto his front porch. He was tall, almost 6 foot 2". He has short spiky blond hair. On this day, he was wearing a suit, black. His tie was decorated with his favorite Debate Country; Canada. it was red on both sides with white in the middle. On the white was a maple leaf. It was red.

He looked out over the horizon. It was scared by many Sky Scrapers.



Just setting it up, slowly...

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