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The Life Of The Fallen Angel That Battled The Darkness

Soul Legacy

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This is my first fan fic, this is inspired by the role play 'The Fall Of Heaven RP' and my charcter in that role play witch this fan fic is based on is Agas, well lets start,


Chapter 1

Chapter 1

[spoiler=][align=center]It is raining, new york is destroyed, the pyramids are in bits,

and washington is a pile of rubble. At the lincoin memorial, in a deep puddle of water lay and angel, fallen angel shall we say, with black horns, long blonde hair, black wings with eyes on and a face that was, to any human that was not horrifyed by her wings and horns, as simply pretty.[/align]


10 Months Earlier

10 Months Earlier

It is Wednesday 6th Of August 2005, or to put it in a easier date, 6.08.05. The streets are bustling with lawers, bankers, businessmen and any worker. But one person stood out above the rest, that person was wearing a hooded cloak, he or she was walking through the bustling crowds to a certian building. This building was in control, or in another way owned, by a group of agents and scientists that want to caputure supernatural things, lets say fallen angels, and experiment on them.[/align]


As the hooded figure enterd the building, the hood was pulled back, the face revialed that this figure was a she, who had long blonde hair and a face of beauty. When a agent passed the woman he started the alarm, what forced him to set off this warning across the building?, oh yes of course, i forgot to mention, she has horns!


As she noticed that the alarm was sounded she took off the cloak to revial her wings. Her wings were black and were covered in eyes, eyes that blinked, as she had took off the cloak she ran towards the agent, grabbed him, through him to the other side of the building and probly broke his spine. As he lay on the floor, almost breathless, she flew up the building to the top floor, were they conducted the experiments.


She reached the top floor, the door was locked and barraked from the inside, she busts it down by the click of her fingers and walks in. The scientists are armed with guns and any weapon they can get there hands on, they do not shoot, she walks across the room to a cabinate, she opened the cabinate and grabbed a blood sample. She closed the cabinate doors and started to walk to the door but more agents came and blocked the exit. She laughs and says "hay idiots! I have wings, i can fly out!!!" she then flew off out the window, the agents walked in the room and shouted "damn you Agas!!!!!!!!!!"


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