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Dimension Dragon Monster Cards


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nice job. good effects, but to keep up with the "sending a real field spell that 'adds 500 ATK and decreases 400 DEF to a certain monster Attribute' card to the graveyard to special summon..." it's "Gaia Power" for Earth and "Umiiruka" for Water (+500 ATK,

-400 DEF for Water - Umi adds 200 ATK and DEF to several Types of monster [don't feel like naming them, mostly since they are unimportant]). You can do that if you want to make it more coherent, but if you want to use Umi and create Acidic Rain, go ahead.

Dimension Infinity sure does require a lot of monsters to fuse - maybe you could make a special fusion card (like Miracle Fusion) so you could also fuse them even if the monsters were in your graveyard (hand and field too). it'd make it a bit more realistic.


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  • 5 months later...

What you could do to balance out the difficult summoning conditions for "Dimension Infinity" is to have a Spell card that allows you to Special Summon each of the "Dimension" monsters, as long as you have a monster of that Attribute on the field already, using the monster on the field as a tribute.

Also increase the DEF a bit (4000?)

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