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looking for Sig. Serious Artists only.


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Alright, heres what I need and the price Ill pay


What I am paying: THis does not change


All my Points

0-1 Rep.


What I want.


1x Signature



Any of the information subject to SMALL changes:

Approximate size: ABOUT 350*250

350 Horizontal


What I want it to say. The words I would like Center aligned



"Philosophic Truth"

"Evolution And The Law Of Attraction"


In each Corner. I want a different face (or portrait that includes the Shoulder at most)


Top left = Karl Marx

Top Right = Leo Tolstoy

Bottom Left: Socrates

Bottom Right = Charles Darwin


Before it is paid for, I will need to certify that I like it, and if I do not, I can alert the maker to possible fixes, and request changes BEFORE THE PURCHASE. This is to make sure if 6 people decide to make me one, and I only like one, that the other 5 people aren't going to kill me.


It also must include a cool background, nothing Yugioh/Hobby/Anime related, No flags and Again, I reserve the right to request a change BEFORE THE PURCHASE.


If you want to contact me about this. AIM and MSN should be under my profile, if its not, then PM me with yours. Also, I will try to remember to check this.


If your up for it, then LMK.



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