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The story of a Legend continues...Chap. 2


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(Hi again!

Saitu's real grandfather...)


Chapter 2:The story of a Legend


The office was big and fine-looking. There were huge wooden cupboards covering the wall, who must’ve been filled with documents. The notary pointed at a comfy chair on wich Saitu took place after having thanked the notary, who took place in an even comfier chair at the other side of the Desk. He took a big heap of papers, then looked at Saitu.

“I knew your grandfather. He left you a reasonable amount of money before he had died, but only a small fraction was available for your foster parents...”

Saitu tought that was weird, because that “small fraction” had been more than enough to raise him.He nodded to make clear he understood

“However, he was of the opinion that you would only be worthy of the money if you were a good duelist. He asked me to duel you at the age of sixteen, for he knew I was quite talented as a duelist.” He made a gesture towards several trophies on one of the cupboards.

“May I ask you his name, sir?”

The notary smiled.

“Your grandfather was Mr. Seto Kaiba. I take it that you know him?”

He indeedly knew Seto Kaiba. One of the best duelists in the world, and the one who possesed three Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards. He wasn’t really listening to what the notary said, but tried to do so anyway...

“...includes his landhouse and shares of Kaiba Corporation, wich is in possesion of his brother Mokuba Kaiba. He also wanted you to have this box. I don’t know what’s inside to be honest...”

He gave Saitu a little wooden box,with a silver Blue-Eyes on it. If his grandfather really was Seto Kaiba (wich was quite difficult to believe), there was only one way to cornfirm it. That way was simply opening this box...

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