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DBZ Saiyans Club

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Hey guys. this is my first official Club that i created.

Now anyone can join btw if you hate saiyans you can still join even though this is a Saiyan club :)

[align=center] [spoiler=Members]

Name --- DBZ character --- Title --- Rank

1.Knightmare™ - Broly - Leader - Legendary Super Saiyan

2.Legend Zero - Gohan - ______ - Plain Human

3.pppgggr - SS4 Gogeta - ______ - Plain Human

4.Ωmega - Vegeta - Adviser - Powered Human

5.GHawk - Trunks (sword) - _______ - Plain Human

6.Kingduel1 - Teen Gohan - _______ - Plain Human

7.Fenrir's Herald - Perfect Cell - _______ - Plain Human

8.Kalimo - Piccolo - _______ - Plain Human

9.Spire™ - 5th Form Cooler - ________ - Plain Human

10.anime1011 - Gotenks - _______ - Plain Human

11.Hidden - Bojack - _______ - Plain Human

12.superbull - Goku - Co-Leader - Android

13.Dark Necro - Bardock - ________ - Plain Human

14.dEMONIa - Kid Buu - ________ - Plain Human

15.Tobi80 - Vegito - _________ - Plain Human

16.Son Gopek - SS4 Goku ________ - Plain Human

17.~UNHOLY_PHOENIX~ - Abdroid 18 - _________ - Plain Human

18.Hunter - Android 17 - ________ - Plain Human

19.sonic_zach - Super Janemba - ________ - Plain Human

20.God_Kage - Baby Vegeta - _________ - Plain Human

21.Mig8 - Meta Cooler - ___________ - Plain Human

22.fit8 - Imperfect Cell - ________ - Plain Human

23.DarkForce - Trunks - __________ - Plain Human

24.Eskimoemon - SS2 Teen Gohan - _________ - Plain Human

25.¦Kylarnatias Soul¦ - Frieza - _________ - Plain Human

26.MarvinG2 - Gohan - _________ - Plain Human

27.DragonGod - Pikkon - _________ - Plain Human

28prince-az3 - SS Trunks - ________ - Plain Human

(More will be added depending on the members)


[spoiler=Registration Form]


Favourite DBZ Character: (only if available)

Fave DBZ moment: (off series or movies)

Who refered you ( told you about here) (leave blank if no one)


[spoiler=Sprite Code]

[align=center][size=xx-small[i am a member of the DBZ Saiyans Club]
[My DBZ Character is (insert name here)]
[[img=(Insert DBZ Sprite here)]]



you get a number of points while in here which rank you.

How to get points: 1st 1 point for signing up. Now more points for posts.

2nd you get 3 points for every Dragonball Z card you post in here (must be good no joke cards)

3rd you get 50 points for a Dragonball Z set of cards (40+). (again must be good and not jokes)

4th you get 5 points for a referal to this club.

5th you get 4 points for every Art relation thing ie Sigs/ Banners/ Animations/ Avatars + more depending on the dificuilty and detail i can see in them.



Legendary Super Saiyan - 2500 points

Super Saiyan Level 4 - 1250 points

Super Saiyan Level 3 - 1000 points

Final Form Warrior - 750 points

Super Saiyan Level 2 - 500 points

Super Namakian - 250 points

Super Saiyan - 150 points

Android - 50 points

Saiyan - 25 points

Powered Human - 15 points

Plain Human - 0 points


[spoiler=Points of Members]

1.Knightmare™ - N/A

2.Legend Zero - 9 point(s)

3.pppgggr - 1 point(s)

4.Ωmega - 32 point(s)

5.GHawk - 1 point(s)

6.Kinguel1 - 1 point(s)

7.Fenrir's Herald - 2 point(s)

8.Kalimo - 2 point(s)

9.Spire™ - 3 point(s)

10.anime1011 - 1 point(s)

11.Hidden - 1 point(s)

12.Superbull - 68 point(s)

13.Dark Necro - 1 point(s)

14.dEMONIa - 1 point(s)

15.Tobi80 - 1 point(s)

16.Son Gopek - 11 point(s)

17.~UNHOLY_PHOENIX~ - 1 point(s)

18.Hunter - 1 point(s)

19.sonic_zach - 1 point(s)

20.God_Kage - 1 point(s)

21.Mig8 - 1 point(s)

22.fit8 - 1 point(s)

23.DarkForce - 1 point(s)

24.Eskimoemon - 1 point(s)

25.¦Kylarnatias Soul¦ - 1 point(s)

26.MarvinG2 - 1 point(s)

27.DragonGod - 1 point(s)

28.prince-az3 - 1 point(s)


[spoiler=Club Sigs/Banners]

A message about Sig/s and Banners. you can use any listed here if you like them. there will be no set one you have to have.

1. made by Legend Zero



2. made by superbull



3. made by Ωmega





The Wrestling Club




New Announcement: From now on you can be your Favourite DBZ character Even if it is used by someone else. Please if you wish to change to a Different Character then what is showen here, Please post and state what you want to be changed to. Thanks.


The Co-Leader is superbull and the Adviser is Ωmega

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Ok list updated...

Sushi im am sorry but your gonna have to chose a different character as i am only doing at most 2 of each character. sorry again. I will edit once you have chosen another.

Thanks for the affilate and suggestion. check 1st post.


Sure thing Legend Zero have a go.


.Digital.Simplicity. has been removed due to being banned permanently...

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