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Basically a a DAZ Deck with E-Tele, Mezuki, and Krebons, it's just a TCG Idea i had when Gold series 2 comes out(Rumor has it that DAD is going to be in there), Now before you say "What the Heck is Mezuki doing in there" I know he isn't Dark, but he Speeds up the Deck a bit


[spoiler=Total Monsters: 18]

Nomi Monsters: 2

2: DAD


Tribute Monsters: 3

1: Gorz

2: Il Blud


Other Main Deck Monsters: 13

3: Krebons

3: Plaguespreader Zombie

3: Mezuki

3: Zombie Master

1: Sangan




[spoiler=Spells: 21]

3: E-Teleport

3: Allure of Darkness

2: MSE


2: BftDD

2: Zombie World

2: Foolish Burial

1: MST

1: Giant Trunade

1: Brain Control

1: Monster Reborn

1: Heavy Storm




[spoiler=Traps: 6]

3: Threatening Roars

1: CCV

1: Return from the Different Dimension

1: Torrential Tribute




[spoiler=Extra Deck: 15]

3: Red Dragon Archfiend

3: Stardust Dragon

3: Doomkaiser Dragon

2: Revived King Ha Des

2: Black Rose Dragon

2: Gayo.. err.. Goyo Guardian




Main Deck Total: 45


[spoiler=Side Deck: 15]

2: Jinzo

2: Hanewata

2: Gozen Match

2: Dust Tornado

2: Remote Revenge

1: PMD

1: EftDD

1: Judgement of Anubis

1: SoRL

1: Mirror Force (They do run Beatdown Decks at where i go for lolhobbyleague)



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just something i had built for a little contest... some changes could be made since there were restrictions... but its not bad.



3x plasma

3x malicious

1x d dude

1x stratos

2x dad

3x plaguespreader

2x zombie master

3x mezuki

1x dadylion



3x allure

3x d draw

2x cosr

2x foolish

3x book of life

1x reborn

1x brain

1x storm

1x trunade

2x hand destruction



3x solemn

1x ccv


generic extra deck

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Monsters: 20

[3] Destiny Hero - Malicious

[3] Mezuki

[2] Dark Armed Dragon

[2] Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude

[2] Krebons

[2] Plaguespreader Zombie

[2] Zombie Master

[1] Sangan

[1] Elemental Hero Stratos

[1] Snipe Hunter

[1] Spirit Reaper


Spells: 15

[3] Allure of Darkness

[3] Destiny Draw

[2] Emergency Teleport

[2] Reinforcement of the Army

[2] Foolish Burial

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Brain Control

[1] Monster Reborn


Traps: 5

[3] Solemn Judgment

[1] Crush Card Virus

[1] Torrential Tribute

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Do you really need Zombie world here? I'd cut it and MSE to bring down your card count' date=' and also make the BFtDD changes already discussed.



DKD and Revived King say Hi


Revamped and added Side Deck


I did not remove MSE due to a fodder loop for DAD


I don't care, DKD is not a valid reason to run Zombie world. This deck NEEDS to have 3-4 cards clipped off so if you have better ideas go ahead.

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