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Counter Assualt (March Format)


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3 x Voltanis the Adjuctator

3 x Vandal'gyon the Dark Dragon Lord

1 x Chaos Sorceror


3 x Harvest Angel of Wisdom

3 x Bountiful Artemis

3 x Meltiel the Sage of the Sky

3 x Honest

1 x Sangan


Spells: 5


1 x Monster Reborn

1 x Giant Trunade

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Lighning Votex


Traps: 15

3 x Solemn Judgment

3 x Dark Bribe

3 x Divine Wrath

3 x Black Horn of Heavy (srsly guise this is solemn on steroids)

2 x Drastic Drop Off

1 x Magic Drain


Thinking about making this IRL. Rate, Hate, whatever.

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oh boy, counter fairies.

well, let me help you out first by telling not to run counter fairies.

theyre very bad.

i know this from first hand experience. theyre very bad.

with counter fairies, you either win, or you dont. you either have the right trap at the right time, or you dont. theyre also expensive.


but, if you insist, allow me to help

first, meltiel without sanc is bad, stop it.

second, harvest is meh. maybe keep him along as a cheap beater, meh, whatever.


next, you have 6 level 8's. run trade in at at least 2. im actually going to suggest you throw in splendid venus, two of em, so then run 3 tradein.

now your too fat, so your going to need valhalla to get out the chubby level 8's. 2-3, i suggest 3, otherwise you run the risk of getting hand clogged by fatties.


that addresses your monsters and magic more or less, so let me look at the traps.

the first thing that jumps out is magic drain.

stop it. magic drain is bad. you dont want to give your opponent any control.

now, for the new meta, searching was nerfed quite a bit, with rota at one, so dropoff is going to see a bit less play. id suggest dropping drain, and siding out dropoffs.

black horn, i suggest you study the rulings on, its not nearly as powerful as you believe it is. the most annoying thing about the horns of heaven is that they LOVE to miss the timing.

id still keep it though, as it /can/ hit synchros (and it beats out stardust in speed /and/ timing, i might add), and those are your worst enemies.


so id suggest keeping counter traps to 15, maybe with side options later.




so, my changes:

-3 meltiel

-1 harvest

-2 dropoff

-1 magic drain

-1 trunade (or heavy, or mst, your call, but you dont want to blow up your own traps buddy)

+2 venus

+3 valhalla

+3 tradein


after all this, it still wont work toooo well.

those solemns are gonna set you back pal, the bribes too. gl, youll need it.

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counter fairies seem good in principle and in theory, but that doesnt do much when they vortex your field and all you have is divine wrath, or they reborn and all you have is dropoff, or they throw judgment and your sitting on bribe.


you either have the right trap at the right time or you dont, and it all comes down to that.

also, tradein is a better draw engine than allure here. also, artemis with 15 counter traps is a draw engine. not a good one, but it is.

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