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AoC Rules


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Please note that these are the rules for the time being. And have made this thread to lessen the amount of Stickies. But these rules will be looked over and may or may not be changed.




1 - I will be officially enforcing the Image Credit Rule. At first' date=' the rule will be set to the standards that you must at least credit the artist, somewhere in your thread and or card. By Crediting I mean, providing the name of the artist.

Note: If this rule isn't followed by the majority of the members, I will be forced to making the rule set to: You must provide the name of the artist, and the link to where you found the picture. If even that is not followed, your thread will be locked, never to be un-locked again.

Also, I know that there are some members who get their pictures from places like Google, and Photobucket, if so, just provide the link.[/s']


2 - Spamming/Flaming/Argueing/Swearing (and anything else that might fit into that category) will not be accepted in these forums. Just like in any other forums. A thread that has an excessive amount of spamming/flaming/argueing and or swearing will be locked. We are here to post cards, and improve on our card making skills, this isn't for debating.


3 - Card Rating, the rating of a card, is a good way to show what members think of another members card(s). But, an explanation with it, is always a good thing. Wich is why you must now include more then just "7/10 Good Job!" in your posts. Now I'm not going to give you a quideline to follow, but, a simple explanation will suffice.


4 - Thread Titles I've been noticing how the tittles around here have an excessive amount of un-needed characters. Like "Come and post now!!!!!!!" or "If you don't look here, you will die!".

That is not needed in any form or fashion. Be to the point, and you'll be fine. I will simply edit the tittles if I see anything like that, if the same member changes the tittle, I will lock the thread, and it will remained locked, until said member can learn and or tell me what I locked his/her thread.


5 - Repeated Offenses now obviously a forum full of locked threads, is really ugly. Which, is why this rule is in place. If a member commits the same act twice, after a warning the first time, I will insue a +2 Warning Increase, on him or her. If the same act, is repeated a third time, another +2 will be issued. Any more repeats of the same act after the third, that member will be banned from CC Section for 1 day. And, if said member again repeats the same act, consequences will be left to that of the entire moderation team.


6 - Posting Effects if the effect of a created card is unable to be read at first glance. Then that effect must be Copied & Pasted into a spoiler. This is just simple courtesy for those members who are kind enough to rate your cards.


7 - Threads that should be reported, ok the threads that you know should be reported, whether it contain, spam, porn, etc.. DO NOT POST IN THEM. Report them, but DO NOT! post in them. It only invites more spam, and chaos.


8 - Cards not allowed in Realistic Section Cards that have other Types, besides the previously used Types in the Yugioh Card Game should not be posted in this forum, but in Other Cards. The same goes for DIVINE Monsters.


9 - IMG Codes attachments will not be allowed. It is annoying for those who rate your cards, and it is time consuming for more then 5 cards. You may get the IMG code of your cards, by simply clicking on the picture of the card, while you are using the Card Maker, and copying and pasting the code that will appear beneeth your card. You may also use websites such as:




This thread will be updated continuously, as I remember the things I have forgotten. I appologize for any inconveniance.





Thank you for taking the time to read the rules. Your Moderators of this forum, are working hard to make this place run as smoothly as possible.

Also, don't be shy, tell me anything I missed, or any suggestions.. Please =)


As posting members of Yugiohcardmaker.net' date=' the expectation is that when you post your created yugioh cards on the forum, you have rights to be distributing the artwork used on the card. If you are using artwork created by someone other then you, the expectation is that you have done the following:

-Contacted the artist who created the artwork

-Received their permission to use their artwork on the yugioh card


You do not need to publicly display/show this proof, but if we receive a copyright infringement notification from the artist who created the artwork stating that they did not grant permission to use the artwork, we are required by law to take the card off of the site.


If you are an artist who would like to notify us that your art is being used without your permission, please fill out the following form and send it to [email protected]



1. An electronic signature of a person who has the rights to act on behalf of the creator of the artwork that is allegedly being infringed.

2. Identification of the artwork that is allegedly being infringed upon, or in the case that multiple artworks have allegedly been infringed upon, a list of those pieces of art.

3. Identification of the card/cards that are allegedly infringing upon the copyrights of the artwork, and a URL link to the card that is allegedly infringing upon the copyrights of the art.

4. An E-Mail address by which you can be contacted at.

5. A certifying statement that the user who created the card allegedly infringing upon a piece of art was not given permission by the owner/artist that they could use that work on their card.

6. A statement that the information given above is in fact accurate.

Rule 1 = Removed

Rule 3-4 = Under Consideration due to AoC, but please show some restraint.


The important parts as to why Rule 1 is removed, have been bolded in red for easier viewing.

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Updates 4/11/2009

Rule 5 = Removed as it speaks for itself as any banning here is enforced by Universal Board rules with modified AoC leniency.


Rule 7 = Just get into good practice and try to not post. That's the best thing, as your posts may or may not be deleted on the content of said reported post.




Rule 1 = While not directly a rule, please remember that image credit is good practice. And is preferred than none. So don't feel stressed if you don't have it. Just remember to try and do it.

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Update 4/16/2009


Rule 8 = Changed to;

This section is for Game-like Custom Cards posts, as well as any requests of other members.

Such as but not limited to;

-Posting their cards.

-Making Member cards.


DIVINE monsters are also asked to go here. In addition to any other cards not covered by the Realistic and Pop Culture Card Forums.

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