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Yugioh Ultima Acadamy Part 3! ~Finished~ Here comes part 4! ¬LOCK PLZ¬


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OOC: Sorry guys, I literally was, and still am, putting together a new deck I can use. XD


IC: Rinslet was nearly done, but she could finish in the plains, with her friends. She walks over to the prairie, with a messenger bag that was filled with cards. She pulls out her deck, and the opens up the messenger bag, which was actually custom modified to be a binder when opened. She looks at the two, "My zombies are almost done!"

Rinslet nods "You should go for Brunette's. We rock." She grins.

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OOC: You could post Rofl, roll on floor laughing? Sorry, had to eat


Michael: "Any one of them, I don't mind.........." He plopped on his back in the grass, attempted to escape the world around him. All he wanted to do was live his life. But all through his life NO ONE could EVER respect that.

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Rinslet looks nervous at first, this was the first time she's dueled him and it was with a new deck, she draws and her face brightens like THAT. She smiles and says "I play the field card, Zombie World! Next, I will play my continual spell Everliving Underworld Cannon, and then play another continual spell, Call Of The Mummy and use it to Special Summon my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon! Now because of my Cannon's effect, you take 800 direct damage, from there, I will summon Malevolent Mech - Goku En, who states that he can be Normal Summoned without Tribute, but is destroyed at the end of the turn if he is the only Zombie on the field, but because of my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and Zombie World changing everything but the cards in our hands and decks into zombies, Goku En will stick around. It's your turn."


Hand: 1

Field: Monster Zones: Red Eyes Zombie Dragon (2400/2000), Malevolent Mech - Goku En (2400/1400)

Spell Zones: Call Of The Mummy, Everliving Underworld Cannon, FIELD CARD Zombie World



Micheal's LP: 7200

OOC: Haha. Zombies. Phwee.

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OOC: How did I KNOW you were going to do that EXACT move?


Michael: "My go! I activate Lightning Vortex, I discard Molten Zombie, next I activate Heavy storm! I set a monster, then activate monster reborn and resummon Molten Zombie in defense mode, and whenever he is special summoned from the graveyard, I draw 1 card. I set a card and end."

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Rinslet shrugs, "No worries. I play Card of Safe Return, and then Book of Life, I will then bring back my might Zombie Dragon, and remove from play Lightning Vortex, because we don't like that card. My Safe Return will allow me to draw, and I will set the card I draw, I will then attack your Zombie and destroy it, it's your turn.

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Michael: "Oooh, this is bad. My turn. I activate Pot of Greed! I draw two cards. I activate Dark Hole! Now since that was Emissary of the Afterlife, we both choose 1 level 3 or lower Normal Monster from our deck and add it to our hands! I activate my face down, Jar of Greed! I draw one card, and I activate Last Will! Since monsters were destroyed this turn, I summon 1 Sangan in defense mode. I end"

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OOC: All is good. xD


IC: Rinslet draws "I'll play another book of life and bring back my Mech to play, I will also remove from play that Molten Zombie. Then because of Card Of Safe Return, I will draw and place Ribbon Of Rebirth on Red Eyes Zombie Dragon, so that even if he dies, he can come back. I will then attack with both of my monsters directly!"


LP: 8000

Micheal: 2400

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