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Card Making Tutorial and Resources


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If you are refering to the online version; Just clicking on the Generate button won't save the card, you must right click on your card and click 'save image as'.


If you are refering to the downloadable version; When you have completed your card, you must click on the 'File' menu and select 'Save'.

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I'm new here so I have a quick question, after generating a card I click on the card picture and it takes me to the place with all of the different link/ thumbnail codes, I copy the Thumbnail for forums (2) and put that onto the message board but it is missing the ATK, DEF, Creator and more. I can I put the pic of the card on the message boards with all of the info showing?

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I'm new here so I have a quick question' date=' after generating a card I click on the card picture and it takes me to the place with all of the different link/ thumbnail codes, I copy the Thumbnail for forums (2) and put that onto the message board but it is missing the ATK, DEF, Creator and more. I can I put the pic of the card on the message boards with all of the info showing?[/quote']


Ok, try clicking on the image and then saving the card onto your computer then goto www.tinypic.com and host the image. After you have done that copy the 'direct link' and paste it into your post and dont forget to highlight the link and click on the IMG tag, that should work. 8)

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(I'm assuming that you have hosted the card image already)


When you copy the direct link into your post make sure that you have the IMG tags around it, Example:




Of course you would have no spaces there and the link would be the direct link that the image hosting site gave you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
(I'm assuming that you have hosted the card image already)


When you copy the direct link into your post make sure that you have the IMG tags around it' date=' Example:


[img'] www.website.com/card.jpg [/img]


Of course you would have no spaces there and the link would be the direct link that the image hosting site gave you.



Your site doesn't seem to work :(

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That's not a real site :? :roll: It's just an example. He means it will be something like www.image.us/cardname.jpg. Only difference is, you must put which image hosting website you use and the name of the card + any additional coding in the link. This will usually be provided on this image hosting site itself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm guessing you can already see the images in full size, so scroll down to the bottom of the page that the art you want is on. Directly underneath the picture, click on the work download, and save it to an appropriate place on your computer. 8)

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When you are typing your post into the big box, you will see that directly underneath the box, there is blue writing that reads 'Add Image to Post', select this and browse for your card. When you get it, some code will appear in your post box, so when you actually post, that will be your card, just keep doing this for as many cards as you need to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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