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Struggle Of Powers

Jake the Sage

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Standing on a roof in the city and looking out to everything that was being destroyed, was a figure. This figure was dawning a black cloak and the hood attacked to it was hiding his face. We live in confusion, we'll eventually die in confusion... The man thought as he jumped from the building to the ground and landed on his feet.

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Christian had gotten away from the aliens. As he got away he saw that the ets had changed form and became human. Where they humans before or was this a disguise?


Meanwhile . . .


A group of what looked like armored gladiators saw the cloaked man land. They talked amoungst each other and then charged at him.

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As rockslide and rose walk around they see wide open plains as far as the eye could see. Then a russel in the background makes them stop. A brown stripped tiger leaps out and begins to circle them.



Omar walks through what looks like to be bamboo trees. He tries to push them down, but they come right back it- almsot like a natural maze

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ooc: sorry then...


Schiver used the thumb of his right hand to push his blade out just a bit and was ready to start. "Act 1: Shikan..." Schiver said as he was in front of the gladiators at one moment and was behind them in the next. He kicked the center one straight in the back of the neck then flipped backwards in the air to land safely on his feet....

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The tiger lunges for the weakest looking one, Rockslide, with its mouth wide open




The gladiators all fall easily to Schiver's attacks. The gourp looks around at each other and then beings to "power up". The ammount of energy the entire group is emmitting is astounding.


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