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The Tales Organization

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[align=center]Welcome to the Tales Organization, here we talk about the Tales series.




Members of the Organization :


1. Milanor - Tales of Symphonia - Genis Sage[s+ Rank]

2. Freeshooter - Tales of the Abyss - Asch the Bloody[s Rank]

3. Genius Sage - Tales of Symphonia - Kratos Aurion[b Rank]

4. Supercardman101 - Tales of Symphonia - Lloyd Irving[C Rank]

5. Haseo - Tales of Vesperia - Yuri Lowell[D Rank]

6. Yuri Lowell - Tales of Vesperia - Sync the Tempest[C Rank]

7. Signosis - Tales of Symphonia - Sheena Fujibayashi[C Rank]

8. Nazello - Tales of Symphonia : Dawn of the New World - Ratatosk[C Rank]

9. Hallelujah Haptism - Tales of the Abyss - Tear Grants[A Rank]

10. Fenrir - Tales of Symphonia : Dawn of the New World - Decus[D Rank]

11. ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥ - Tales of Symphonia - Raine Sage[Z? Rank]

12. Haris - Tales of Symphonia - Regal Bryant[D Rank]

13. ~~HUNTER STEEL~~ - Tales of Vesperia - Duke[D Rank]

14. Andx - Tales of Symphonia - Jade Balfour[D Rank]

15. Stella Fennes - Tales of Legendia - Vaclav Bolud[D Rank]

16. -Azmodius- - Tales of the Abyss - Luke fon Fabre[D Rank]


Affiliates of the Org. :

[Ø] The ♣ [Ø]



1. All General and Clubs & Organization rules apply.

2. Breaking the rules will result in a warning.

3. 3 warnings, and you are kicked out of the organization

4. Please be active



[spoiler=Joining Application]


Tales series character you want to be:

Your favorite Tales game :




[spoiler=Affiliating Application]


Name of Club:

Why you wish to affiliate:




[spoiler=Activities, Project, RP or Quizzes]

Contest : http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-125620.html





S+ Rank - Organization Leader

S Rank - Co-Leader - Can host contests, activities, projects, quizzes, RP and accept members.

A Rank - Can host contests, activities, quizzes and RP.

B Rank - Can host activities, quizzes and RP

C Rank - Can only host quizzes

D Rank - Cannot do anything that C or Higher ranked members do- You start here




Promotions are decided by the S+ and S Ranked members.

If you think you should be promoted PM them.




All Banners here has a size of 400x150











If you want a 350x125 sized one, you can PM me.





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Well... His pants look kinda tight' date=' and theres not so much as a poke from his crotch... I think he's a female...


I lol'ed at that xD. I ever thought that Genis is a female and Raine a male O.o, when I first played ToS:DotNW. I ROFLed when I found out that he is a boy and Raine, a girl.

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How did you think that they were that gender? o.0 Also, Kratos isn't too young to be Lloyds father! He's a 4000 year old angel guy.


Also, how many Tales games are there? I've only played Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, and Tales of Legendia.

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I've find it really hard to beat the Advanced Single Mode in the Colisseum as Genis, because I don't have time to use spells (no Meteor Storm T.T) because guys keep attacking me, and Genis doesn't really have the best attack... Have you ever done it?[hr]
Also, the most epic Tales song I've heard is [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzgEEafD8N0]The Wilderness of Sadness[/url]. What about you two?
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