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Naruto: Shinobi Legacy Rp


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Itachi was standing there, petrified at what he saw. As the clothing burnt off of the mysterious ninja, Itachi saw that he was a member of Akatsuki also.


"Why is this guy attacking me? What has he got to gain? Did Akatsuki send him? No that doesn't make any sense, they have nothing to gain by silencing me" thought Itachi as he stared longingly at the ninja in front of him.


"I bet your wondering" said the masked Ninja softly, almost lifelessly, "If I'm a member of Akatsuki, why would I be attacking you? Well, the simple answer to that would be... to test how strong my new partner really is". Itachi looked at him puzzled, how could this new ninja be his partner; he's been partnered with Kisame Hoshigaki.


"And now" the masked Ninja said "your wondering how am I paired with you if your partner is in fact... Kisame? Well, the simple answer to that would be that Kisame is off doing business for Akatsuki. And so, the big boss himself ordered me to find and team... with you".


He turned his back to Itachi, then he threw a Kunai over his shoulder at Itachi's face with a piece of paper attached to it. Itachi grabbed the Kunai about 2cm from his face and took the paper off. The paper was the order to Itachi from Akatsuki to team with the Snow Ninja.


"My name is Kentou by the way" he said as Itachi read the note. The note also mentioned about why Orochimaru had sent so many Sound Ninja to attack Itachi recently. "So, where to next?" whispered Kentou as he appeared next to Itachi's left shoulder. Itachi looked at him for a few seconds, assessing whether or not he could trust his new (albeit temporary) partner.




"We leave Konoha. If we are to find Orochimaru, we need to find Kabuto. Orochimaru, as you probably already know, moves around from base to base on pretty much a weekly basis. Only Kabuto could know where Orochimaru will be" said Itachi as he walked away from the Tea shop and Kentou. Kentou followed behind slowly.


After walking to the Main Entrance of the village, Kentou blocked Itachi path with Ice. Itachi looked back at Kentou angrily.


"What do you want to know, Kentou?" said Itachi impatiently.

"Where are we going? Do you have any idea where Kabuto is?" said Kentou frantically. He brought up a good point, Itachi had no idea where Kabuto was. Because of all the time he has wasted coming back here (thanks to the Genjutsu), he knew he had lost any trail of Kabuto...

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Failed to catch Kabuto, Ibiki went straight to Tsunades office.

*Ibiki entered Tsunades room*


Tsunade: What is the meaning of this?!

Ibiki: I have something to tell you Tsunade, a while back I saw Kabuto sniffing around your office, first he...

Tsunade: Did you say...KABUTO?!

Ibiki: YES, him, I got information what he is planning, he is searching ingredients for the ''Mythical Healing Ring''

Tsunade: This isn't good, the ring will heal every part of the wielders body...Good god, the ring is for Orochimaru, I'll assemble 2 Genin for you Ibiki right away

Ibiki: OK


*The 2 Genin came as soon as possible to Tsunades Office. The 2 Genin were Sakura and Kiba*

Tsunade: OK listen and listen good, your mission is to track down Kabuot at any means necessary, failure is not an option

Ibiki, Sakura and Kiba: Right


*The group went of to the Main Entrance to Konoha, but were shocked to see ''him''...*

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Ibiki, Sakura and Kiba had reached the Main Entrance, believing that they were to chase Kabuto. However, when they got there, they met an entirely new enemy... one they could never had known about. Standing in front of them was Kentou, looking over his left shoulder at them and Itachi Uchiha, staring straight at them. The Ice from in front of Itachi had now changed into a puddle of water in the heat. Kentou turned to face the Leaf Ninjas.

"Soooooo, who are they?" whispered Kentou as he looked over his left shoulder at Itachi. Itachi just stared and said nothing at all. The three Leaf Shinobi did the same... none of the three were really taken any of this seriously; they could all sense the power emanating from them both. "Psst... Itachi. If we're going to be partner's, we need to start communicating better" and as Kentou was speaking, Sakura charged at Kentou and threw a punch at him.

"Yaaahh!!! Take This!" shouted Sakura.


However, as the punch came close to Kentou's face, Sakura's fist just stopped. Kentou's snow had raced from his back and grabbed her fist at the last second. Sakura looked up at her arm, but the snow had already solidified into ice. Sakura struggled as hard as she could to pull her arm out, but before she could move her arm, Kentou jumped backwards and launched his attack, with Itachi not moving a muscle.

"[color=#FFA500]Snow Coffin[/color]" and a large flow of snow raced at Sakura. Sakura closed her eyes, expecting the worst.

"[color=#008080]Piercing Fang[/color]". Kiba and Akamaru flied around Sakura and struck the snow, parrying every piece away from Sakura. As they protected them from the snow, Sakura and Ibiki struggle to break the ice away from her arm. However, as they chipped away at the ice, Itachi appeared behind them.

"[color=#0000FF]Water Fang Bullet[/color]". All of a sudden, the water from behind Kentou rushed around him and Kiba and straight at Ibiki. The spiralling water struck Ibiki with such force, he was thrown about 10 feet away. Itachi prepared his hand-signs.

"[color=#FF0000]Fire Style: Great Fireball Justu[/color]" and Itachi fired a lot of Fire at his enemies. Sakura, Kiba and Akamaru all got caught in the blaze. Sakura's arm was freed from the ice, but her entire body was burnt by the flames. Most of the fire was pushed away from Kiba and Akamaru because of their rotation, but they were still caught in the blaze.


"Well this seems all too easy. Maybe we shouldn't have taken them so seriously" said Kentou rather confidently. And who could blame him; Ibiki was down, clutching his chest at the heavy impact of the water, also Kiba, Akamaru and Sakura all struck by the searing flames of Itachi. Itachi and Kentou stood over their enemies, looking down at them as they all writhed in pain. Sakura looked up at Itachi, and looked at him in the eyes for the first time.

"Those eyes... the Sharingan!" she said fearfully...
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Lee woke up from being knocked out after using the burst lotus right after the primary lotus, "Almost got it a little more practice" he said as he jumped up and went home

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*After reaching to an safe location, Kabuto sat down and took an little nap. After the nap, he started healing himself while thinking when he first heard about the ''Mythical Healing Ring'' from Orochimaru*



Orochimaru: Kabuto, I have an mission for you

Kabuto: What is the mission then?

Orochimaru: Your mission is to gather ingredients for the ''Mythical Healing Ring''

Kabuto: ''Mythical Healing Ring'', I've only heard stories about it

Orochimaru: I need that ring, real or not, the ingredients are Pure Iron, the Blood of Srepemob, an single piece of Topaz Crystal and an human sacrifice.

*Orochimaru took an map and pointed the places where to find the ingredients*

Orochimaru: Take this map and Kabuto, remember, fail and I WILL kill you

Kabuto: Fine *Takes the map* I'll get right on it


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Metaro made a few hand signs, and got ready to perform his own jutsu. Unfortunately, Jiraya wasn't expecting it.


"My Brother is strong, but I, my friend, am stronger! Ninja Art: Rain Fist!"


Naruto knew he had to do something, but what? He didn't have enough Chakra left to do Rasengan again. Metaro ran towards Jiraya.


"Take this! You were too busy fighting my brother, that you didn't pay attention to me. That's why your going to lose."


Metaro jumped up, and went to hit Jiraya right in the back.


"Nice try."

"What the?"


Jiraya turned around, Rasengan in hand. Naruto figured out that Jiraya was paying attention the whole time. He knew Metaro would attack, so he let him. While Metaro was focusing his Chakra to do his Rain Fist, Jiraya was focusing his Chakra to do the Rasengan.


"Any good ninja knows that you always have to be aware of your surroundings. I had a feeling that you would attack me, so I got my Rasengan ready, and you fell for it."

"Oh yeah? Take this!"


Metaro pushed his hand right into Jiraya's torso, only to be stopped.


"Yeah. That's why I said it. When you become a good ninja, maybe we can fight again. Until then, don't make me waste my time with you! Rasengan!"


Metaro fell down. He was in a lot of pain. A strong jutsu from a Sannin would do that to a guy. Jiraya heard something. He looked, and realized that there was fighting on Hokage Mountain. Naruto smiled.


"You ready Pervy Sage? Let's defeat the Rain Village!"




Jiraya looked at Naruto.


*This kid has improved so much from when I first met him. He never quits, this Naruto Uzumaki. I believe that Naruto can be Hokage someday.*


"Is something wrong, Pervy Sage?"

"It's alright. Let's go."


Jiraya and Naruto jumped up, heading for Hokage Mountain.

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Kentou walked towards Itachi. His gaze was set on Itachi, while Itachi gaze was set on Sakura. He stared at her, with an unusual intrest. She looked back at him with nothing by fear in her eyes. As Kentou was crossing Kiba's body, he stepped on his ribs. Suddenly, Kiba's body vanished in a buff of smoke. Both Kentou and Itachi looked at the smoke as Kentou lost his footing through the Shadow Clone.


"Shadow Clone!? When? and Where's dog-boy?" said Kentou confusingly. Itachi just stared back at Sakura, now perplexed by the Kiba clone. Itachi began to move towards Sakura when from behind:


"All-Fours Strike" shouted Kiba as Akamaru (transformed to look like Kiba) crashed into Itachi. The strike smacked Itachi into Kentou and the pair fell to the floor. Just then, Kiba appeared by Sakura, picked her up and ran away into the Village while Akamaru and Ibiki followed in suit.




"Ok... Time to get them" shouted Kentou. He started to to rush off but he felt a tug on his coat from Itachi. "What are you doing? They're getting away!".


"We are not here to start a war, Kentou. We weren't even meant to be here. We are leaving here before we run into anymore trouble" said Itachi calmly.


"Do you really want them to tell the Hokage?" and before Itachi could answer him, Kentou slipped out of his coat and rushed off after them. Itachi quickly followed


Quickly, Itachi caught up to Kentou. He threw his coat back to Kentou and, seemlessly, Kentou slipped back into it. As they rushed through the empty streets, it didn't take long for Itachi and Kentou to catch up to the Leaf Shinobi.


"Don't look now, but we've got company" shouted Kiba urgently. Everyone else looked back, and only saw one of them. Itachi seemed to be nowhere in sight.


"Where's Itachi? asked Sakura weakly. Then, something caught her eye... Itachi was running up above them with a Kunai drawn. "Itachi! He above us, on the rooftops" she shouted. As soon as she spoke, they all looked up and saw him. Because they were looking behind so much, they didn't notice clones of Itachi and Kentou standing up ahead of them, blocking the path. As soon as Ibiki looked ahead, his eyes widened and he gasped sharply.




"Roadblock! Turn right, now!" shouted Ibiki. And seemlessly they all turned right. Then, as Itachi (now running along the wall) and Kentou (on the ground) ran by them, the clones disappeared. "Hmm... not good, we're now running straight up the mountain path. We have to get to the Hokage's office" thought Ibiki.


After a while of running up the path, Ibiki looked to his Left and saw the Hokage's office.


"Ok. Now we jump to the Hokage's Window". Ibiki jumped for the window, but as the others attempted to jump, Kentou blasted some Snow in their way to prevent them jumping and on the wall behind the snow, Itachi jumped after him. As Ibiki was flied closer and closer to the window, Itachi prepared hand-signs.


"Fire Style: Crimson Blaze" and as Itachi slammed his wrists together with palms showing, crimson coloured flames shot out like a flamethrower. As Ibiki flew through the Hokage's window:


"Hokage! It..." before he could finish, the flames struck him and prepelled him through the office. He screamed uncontrollably and fell from the height of Lady Tsunade's office to the ground below. As Shizune followed his path to check on him, Tsunade looked for the source of the flames, but she could see nothing. There was no sign of Itachi, Kentou or the other Genin.


The Genin had continued to run as Ibiki flew, with Kentou in toe. As they reached the top of the Hokage Mountain, Itachi was there waiting for them. As Kiba stopped, Sakura pushed off at full pace.


"Take This!!!" shouted Sakura as she swung her fist at him. Itachi grabbed her wrist with his left hand and stopped her attack effortlessly (reminiscent of what he did to Sasuke). Sakura looked at him shocked and freightened.


"Useless, effortless... your worse than Sasuke. Fire Style: Crimson Orb" said Itachi. Sakura closed her eyes rapidly and a tear came to her eyes, expecting to be struck heavy...




However, after a few seconds, she opened her eyes to see Itachi looking away and his right arm was grasped by...

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As Neji was trying to get help to defeat his shinobi, the ninja caught up to him.


"So, thought you could get away from me, eh?


"Hmph, no matter, I'll defeat you right here and now! 8 Trigrams 64 Palms!" Neji leaped and unleashed his flurry of attacks. After his final attack, the shinobi fell.


"N-no, so this is the power... of the Hyuga clan." Shortly after saying that, he died.


"Hm, I must find someone to report to." Neji said, once again, he sped off, hoping to find the Hokage or a Jonin.

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"Can I ask what you plan on doing, Itachi?"




It was Tsunade. The Hokage Of The Leaf Village. She had a grip on Itachi's arm.


"Even though I am a lady, it doesn't mean I am weak. I noticed that you were going towards Hokage Mountain, and I decided to check out the situation. So, what exactly are you doing here in Konoha?"

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"Itachi! Answer me! What do you want with the Leaf Village?"


Kiba noticed Itachi holding onto Sakura. He was going to help her.


"You ready Akamaru?"


Akamaru nodded. Kiba picked up Akamaru.




Then, Akamaru had changed into Kiba.




"Here's the plan. You attack Itachi, and I will get Sakura. You ready?"

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Itachi didn't respond to Tsunade's question. However, he looked up and saw Lee flying at him, as well as Kiba and Akamaru coming at him as well.


"Hmm... no co-ordination" thought Itachi. Suddenly, Itachi pulled Sakura and threw her at Tsunade. Tsunade let go of Itachi to catch Sakura and back away to take her to safety. Then, Itachi spun and kicked Kiba into Akamaru. They crashed into each other and flew about 5 feet away from Itachi. And finally, as Lee came flying in, Itachi parried the attack and pushed Lee back. Lee landed on his feet about 2 feet away... in face-off style with Itachi.


Meanwhile, Ibiki, Kiba and Akamaru stood ready to fight Itachi's partner, Kentou...

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"You alright Akamaru?"


Kiba wasn't hurt much by the kick, however, he wanted to check on Akamaru.


Akamaru nodded. Kiba noticed Lee and Itachi fighting, and then he noticed Itachi's partner, Kentou. Ibiki was ready to fight as well.


Tsunade had Sakura, and was going towards the Leaf Village.


"Ibiki! Let me and Akamaru take this guy! You go assist Lee."

"Are you sure?"


Kiba smiled.



"I will fight to defend the Leaf Village. We have to prevent Itachi and Kentou from damaging it! Now, let's do this!"


Akamaru growled.


"Alright Akamaru! Ninja Art: Transformation!"


There were now two Kibas. One was Akamaru, and the other Kiba.


"Listen up Kentou. You won't win. The reason why, is because I love the Leaf Village, and I am not going to let you guys destroy it!"


Kiba looked at Kentou, and made a few hand signs.


"Ninja Art: Man Beast Combined Transformation: Twin-Headed Wolf!"

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-----Itachi's Story-----

Lee's foot hit Itachi square in the face, forcing him backwards. But then, he grabbed Lee's leg with his hand and suddenly Itachi exploded...


Lee was hurled backwards by the explosion and he could see the real Itachi still standing there, and the same shockwave was felt in Konoha again, as well as by each person on the mountain. Lee flipped back on his feet and charged at Itachi again...


-----Kentou's Story-----

Kentou looked up to see the extremely large, two headed Wolf staring at him. Yet, Kentou stood there unfazed by the beast. He also saw Ibiki running towards Lee and Itachi.


"I don't think so" Kentou whispered. Yet, Kentou did nothing to stop Ibiki from running at Lee and Itachi. Kiba and Akamaru looked at Ibiki, expecting Kentou to do something to Ibiki.


"Hmm... Rain of Ice". The wolf looked back to see Kentou floating in front of him, with a faint layer of snow in from of him. All of a sudden, ice spikes formed and flew at his face as the shockwave of Itachi's clone came, forcing everyone back...

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Kiba and Akamaru, in the form of the twin-headed wolf, were able to dodge the Rain Of Ice, but not easily.


"This isn't good. He is a strong ninja. We have to defeat him. I didn't want to do this jutsu, but we have no choice."


Kiba wasn't sure what to do. *Akamaru didn't even perform the Dynamic Air Markings, so it won't be easy to hit Kentou. What else can we do?*


"Get ready! Ninja Art: Double Piercing Fang!"


They were able to hit Kentou, and he was sent into a tree.


"We got him! That was a lucky move though."


Kiba felt weak. He didn't have much Chakra left.

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-----Itachi's Story-----

Lee and Itachi struck the ground with tremendous force. Lee hopped back to his feet, and then his knees buckled slightly and he was panting heavily. The smoke was still rising from the crater where Lee left Itachi...


"Fire Style: Crimson Blaze" said Itachi and the same flames that hit Ibiki before shot out of the smoke, forcing it to part. Lee was engulfed in the flames as Itachi rose to his feet slowly...


-----Kentou's Story-----

Kentou stood up after being struck by the powerful attack of Akamaru/Kiba's. Yet, when he stood up, he had the marks of heavy contact but didn't show the signs of injury.


"Damn... After we used that Jutsu, he still isn't laid out. What is this guy made of... he's still got that smug look on his face from the start of the fight" thought Kiba. Then Kentou began moving slowly towards the wolf. In response, thw wolf began backing away from Kentou, but slipped and fell to its knees...


"Ah... so you finally noticed your standing on ice. Man, you Leaf Ninja's are slow. Oh well, time to end you with one of my more favourable techniques... Ice Style: Raging Wolf Bite". Kentou made a hands clasped together with fingers extended hand-sign, and then suddenly ice spikes skewered the twin-headed wolf. Then, the spikes retracted back into the ground and the ice reverted back to snow and he retracted the snow back to behind him...


"Damn! You must be kidding me?" said Kentou as he noticed Kiba and Akamaru (now in separate forms), were still moving. As he was about to shoot ice at them to kill them, but before he could, Ibiki reappeared and took them away...

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Ibiki took Kiba and Akamaru to safety, a nice distance away from the fight, and started towards the fight again. Kentou stood there, upset that they got away, but angry also. He decided to go help Itachi.


"Where do you think your going?"


Naruto blocked Kentou's path.


"So, It's the great Naruto Uzumaki. Move out of my way kid!"

"I don't think so."

"That's it, I am not going to lose to a loser like you!"

"Alright, lets find out! Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


The Shadow Clones surrounded Kentou. He would have to destroy the clones to get to Itachi.

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